Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Now Make Following a 1200 Calorie Diet for Extreme Weight Loss Fast & Easy with hCG Drops, Tablets and Injections

Diet Doc’s diet plans encourage extreme weight loss by following a healthy, 1200 calorie diet filled with fresh, nutritious foods and make losing weight easy by eliminating cravings with hCG drops, tablets and injections.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/16/2013 -- Many people in Detroit have become accustomed to consuming a diet high in calories and processed sugars, carbohydrates and fats and, continuing with these unhealthy habits will eventually lead to weight-related health risks and a decrease in the quality of life or even their lifespan. But, as most people in Detroit who are trying to achieve extreme weight loss have recognized, changing unhealthy eating habits and beginning a 1200 calorie diet can be challenging and causes many to forgo their attempts at reaching their extreme weight loss goals. Diet Doc understands that, while following a 1200 calorie diet will lead to fast results, most patients will need assistance in maintaining their progress. To help patients during this life-changing journey, Diet Doc offers the hCG diet using either hCG drops, tablets, or injections that not only suppress intense cravings and hunger, but also target excess and embarrassing fat in hard to reach places and effectively flushes it from the patient’s body.

hCG treatments were first discovered in the early 1950s by researcher A.T.W. Simeons and were offered to patients as part of extreme weight loss programs to target unwanted fat in areas like the stomach, thighs and underarms that can be unresponsive to diet change and exercise alone. Simeons used hCG drops and tablets as part of his early diet plans to rid patients of this excess fat and also as a powerful appetite suppressant that allowed patients to lower their caloric intake to see fast fat loss results. But, Simeons’ extreme weight loss programs encouraged a dangerously low caloric intake that posed potentially serious health consequences as opposed to today’s programs that encourage a 1200 calorie hCG diet plan that is almost double that of the earlier plans. Diet Doc took Simeons’ successful research and updated it with today’s health and medical knowledge, which allows patients to see the same results without having to restrict their caloric intake to dangerous levels.

In addition to increasing their programs to a 1200 calorie diet, today’s extreme weight loss plans also added to patient treatment options. Instead of choosing between hCG drops and hCG tablets, Diet Doc clients now have access to fat burning treatments as an injectable solution. This solution differs from hCG drops and tablets because it is enhanced with vitamin B12, which provides patients with a boost of energy that helps sustain a 1200 calorie diet while warding off unwanted hunger or weakness sometimes associated with diet programs. However, regardless of which form the patient chooses to receive their hCG treatments, as hCG drops, tablets or injections, they can feel confident that they will soon experience a decrease in their appetite and begin to see fat melt away.

Once patients are able to control their temptation to overindulge in unhealthy, processed foods, they can begin to incorporate fresh, nutritious foods into their daily routines. With a meal plan filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats, Diet Doc clients will see that following a 1200 calorie diet is not only easy, but leaves them feeling light and full of energy. The extreme weight loss results patients are looking for with Diet Doc’s programs are made fast and easy by including hCG drops, tablets and injections and patients will soon transition to a healthier, slimmer figure.

Diet Doc Contact Information:

San Diego, CA
(800) 272-0482

Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg