Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWire) -- 04/03/2017 --Dr. Lisa Cooney expands the horizons for survivors by making year-round support available on a global scale. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with breaking free from the cages of abuse, you should know that help is out there. 2016 presented a sort of trial period for the Live Your Roar Headquarters with regards to making support available for both national and international abuse survivors. Dr. Lisa travelled to various countries, from Costa Rica to Australia, to cities all over the U.S.A, exploring and helping those struggling with the weight of living with abuse.
Yet, travels did not, and will not, hold back the support. With a schedule that includes everything from in-person group facilitation, one-on-one sessions, workshops, Dr. Lisa Cooney maintains all to facilitate her weekly Tuesday radio show, Beyond Abuse, Beyond Therapy, Beyond Anything, on Voice America's Empowerment Channel.
According to Amy Cristol Hirsch, who has experienced the life-transforming support from the doctor herself, shares: "Known as a tsunami of change, Dr. Lisa's unflinching look at the limitations which paralyze, inhibit and destroy our lives, is unlike any other person or system out there. She is certainly one of a kind and almost beyond belief with her capacity to facilitate, create and entice us all into choosing the life we truly desire."
Cases vary by the individual, just as recovery does. Thus, it is of essence to show individuals that the right support for them, does exist…Survivors struggling with any kind of abuse, whether it's physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, or financial, need to know that there is a safe haven waiting to be a helping ear. For those who are feeling scared, embarrassed, or alone, listening in on a show could be your first step to your revived reality.
Wherever you are in the world, know that you don't have to go on this journey alone. For years now, Dr. Lisa Cooney has been encouraging people from all over the globe to empower themselves. Being a survivor of past abuse, Dr. Lisa has made it her life's journey to help others live life to its full potential, beyond abuse. Although an educated specialist, having received her Doctorate in Psychology, and previously practiced as a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Dr. Lisa Cooney's therapeutic treatments to healing individuals are highly inspired by love, acceptance, appreciation, & the power of new beginnings. Impacting the lives of others, and helping them transform in a positive way, is what Dr. Lisa Cooney does. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with the effects or consequences of abuse, seek out help before it's too late.
You can listen to previously recorded radio shows from the Voice America Network at with previous topics ranging from 'Validating the Value of YOU' to 'Beyond Cloudy Skies, Rise with Sunshine'.
2017 Presents Global Support for Abuse Survivors with Dr. Lisa Cooney's Radio Show: Beyond Abuse, Beyond Therapy, Beyond Anything
Survivors who fall victim to abuse, no matter the form, are in most need of strong support systems for recovery.