
A Sexier You in Just 40 Days with the Sexy Soul Makeover

Posted: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 at 10:00 AM CDT

Kansas City, MO -- (SBWire) -- 06/05/2013 --Jodie Rodenbaugh, the Sexy Soul Liberator and owner of Sexy Soul Makeover, found her voice and inspiration through her husband’s tragic, sudden death in November of 2008. It was then that Rodenbaugh, a newly single mother expecting another child, recalls that she died with her husband when he was pronounced dead, but had an epiphany of how she had to move on for not only her daughters, but for herself, too. Thus, the Sexy Soul Makeover was born. Rodenbaugh’s message is about liberating the soul of the clutter and emotional baggage, and finding and being who she was born to be. Sexy Soul Makeover has products and services to teach women how to be emotionally literate and intelligent to go on to lead an emotionally rich and radiant life, such as the 40-Day Sexy Soul Makeover beginning June 12th.

The six week program is designed to be a true makeover because per Rodenbaugh, it takes 21 days to awaken new knowledge and 40 days to change old patterns. During the 40-Day Sexy Soul Makeover each Sexy Soul in Training receives six weekly live group calls, plus two bonus calls; e-books and guided e-workbooks; 21-Day Cleanse Program with recipes; access to the Sexy Soul Facebook community; 30-Day Workout Plan; and so much more.

“Spirit is lost with previous love losses and disconnections,” says Rodenbaugh. “It's easy to abandon yourself if we are conscious of what our subconscious (soul) is telling us. Sexy Soul Makeover restores the essence of who you are here to be, and in as little as 6 weeks everyone will want to know what you have been having because they want some too.”

Each system of the Sexy Soul Makeover will bring out the hidden sexy in each individual making the 40-Day Sexy Soul Makeover perfect for anyone wanting to make that first step to a sexier, healthier you.

Find out more about the Sexy Soul Makeover and Jodie Robenbaugh at, “Like” Sexy Soul Makeover on Facebook and follow her on Twitter

About Sexy Soul Makeover and Jodie Rodenbaugh
Jodie holds a Masters in Education and spent 16 years dedicated to teaching children the love of learning and eventually expanded her practice to coaching teachers. She holds certifications in both Personal Training-CPT and Life Coaching-CPC and is a Master Practitioner of Energy Leadership, a scientifically proven process created by Dr. Bruce Schneider, where she analyzes client’s results of her Sexy Soul Profile. This assessment is a key first step in her Sexy Soul Makeover project offering black and white validation of the love you’re giving to the world.

Jodie Rodenbaugh in 2001 before her Sexy Soul Makeover