HalifLopez Island, WA -- (SBWire) -- 07/10/2013 --While every non-profit project starts with a deep-rooted desire to affect positive local or global change, few raise the vital cash they require due to the clerical and legal minefield of a federally recognized tax exempt organization. However, A World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity (A W.I.S.H.) is doing its own global good by helping new and existing projects facilitate their access to funders without red tape.
A W.I.S.H acts as an incubator and umbrella under which projects can partner and operate without the need to register as a full service organization with United States Internal Revenue Service; a requirement for tax exempt 501C3 category status.
Over the past eighteen years A W.I.S.H. has helped more than one hundred non-profit projects roll into action and carry out their important work without hindrance. As well as the instant credibility afforded to projects that partner with A W.I.S.H., causes can benefit from the organization’s services with donations, private and governmental grants, fee for service conduit, and other revenue producing strategies.
“We consider ourselves a ‘place’ where people with a passion for a sustainability topic can do their work without having to start and maintain a full service organization within their home country,” says Michael Karp, President, CEO and Founder of A W.I.S.H.
Continuing, “Our umbrella delivers instant credibility for the project for funding sources due to our 18 year successful track-record and relationships. Affiliating with our organization often gives the project the credibility it needs early on, despite the fact it may only be in an incubator stage.”
Examples of projects that have partnered with A W.I.S.H. illustrate both the opportunity and results that such a relationship affords.
For example, Johnny Fernandez of Cape Verde Island, Africa had a vision to preserve the musical traditions of his native land. He says A W.I.S.H has brought together diverse expertise and it has created a forum that is ideal to share information and resources, and most importantly a vision to fight poverty a work towards sustainable living."
Cary Moon, who had a bold vision for her city, was equally as impressed. "The People's Waterfront Coalition has been thrilled with the support offered by A W.I.S.H. as our fiscal sponsor. We are a grassroots organization advocating a more sustainable future for Seattle's downtown shore. A W.I.S.H has offered organizational guidance, effective strategic advice, encouragement, and connections -- far beyond the fiscal management commitment they took on,” she adds.
Actively seeking a new group of project partners, Karp encourages all interested parties to step forward and see if they qualify.
“People are working in isolation all over the world to make incredible contributions to fixing problems, making their world a little better or gathering like minds to re-think complex issues. They should know that A W.I.S.H. is here to help them. Let your dreams of making a better world reach its potential,” he concludes.
To see if a project qualifies, visit: http://awish.net/component/content/article?id=226
About A World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity
A World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity (A W.I.S.H.) is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide models and support for life sustaining activities that integrate solutions to poverty and the environment while fostering self-reliance. It was founded in March of 1995 and has a presence throughout the planet.
A W.I.S.H. Announces Global Initiative for Non-Profit Projects to Facilitate Funding Opportunities
For over eighteen years this international incubator has helped over one hundred non-profit projects get off the ground and raise vital cash;. Recognizing that thousands of passion-driven projects could be struggling in silence, A W.I.S.H. is making a direct call to form new partnerships and shape a more sustainable future.