American Fork, UT -- (SBWire) -- 10/10/2014 --Ever heard of phosphatidylcholine? According to a research published by Science Daily, choline, an essential nutrient similar to the B vitamin and found in foods such as liver, muscle meats, fish, nuts and eggs, has an impressive potential to improve brain health and smarts. With all the researches that have proven that choline supplementation is effective for brain development, is phosphatidylcholine considered as the new wonder drug?
Phosphatidylcholine does not merely stimulate and strengthen prenatal brain. The probability that choline can help prevent cognitive decline and onset of Alzheimer’s and dementia is a key area that neuroscientists have been identifying. Neurogenesis, or the development of new brain cells and neural connections as a person ages, is another plausible possibility that phosphatidylcholine can bring. As a person ages, it is impossible for a person to have a re-growth in brain cells. But studies conducted by Princeton University’s Charles Gross and Elizabeth Gould prove otherwise.
Other Health Benefits of Phosphatidylcholine
Phosphatidylcholine is being tested for certain conditions such as to lower cholesterol, protect the liver from disease (like hepatitits C as phosphatidylcholine is seen as an aide for alcoholics stave off cirrhosis). Medical experts usually recommend phosphatidylcholine to patients suffering from hepatitis C because of the supplement’s liver-protective benefits especially in connection with interferon therapy. Another benefit of phosphatidylcholine is that is helps in easing ulcerative colitis and IBS conditions because of its ability to protect the cells that line the digestive tract and reduce inflammation.
Taking Advantage of the Wonders of Phosphatidylcholine
Currently, a number of pharmaceutical companies have been taking advantage of the benefits of phosphatidylcholine to develop several products. AddieUp, a big producer of AddieUp which is a supplement for increasing energy and a cool way to improve mental focus, is one with these pharmaceutical industry continuously innovating products and they are currently eyeing for the potential of phosphatidylcholine as an addition in their wide array of effective products.
Surprisingly, phosphatidylcholine is also used by the cosmetic industry for dissolving lipomas and other fatty deposits under the skin. The said wonder drug is now widely used for body contouring like the thigh areas, under the eyes, and under the chin.
About AddieUp
AddieUp, a supplement for increasing energy and improving mental focus, was originally an alternative to the Adderall brand of prescription medication for treating ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children as well as adults. This website tells you how AddieUp is used, who it is for, and why it is known as one of the so-called “smart drugs”.
AddieUp Eyes Phosphatidylcholine as a New Wonder Drug for Brain Development and Brain Cells Re-Growth
AddieUp, a big producer of AddieUp which is a supplement for increasing energy and a cool way to improve mental focus, is one with the pharmaceutical industry in continuously innovating products and they are currently eyeing for the potential of phosphatidylcholine as an addition in their wide array of effective products.