Pleasantville, NJ -- (SBWire) -- 01/20/2014 --While the spice of life is beautiful, it is vital to help today’s younger generation recognize and embrace diversity. Through an entertaining yet hugely-powerful new children’s book, author P.A. Walters is calling on the world’s animals to teach kids that being different is….awesome!
‘All Kinds of Special’ is as inspirational as it is important.
Take a journey in diversity by exploring differences using animals that range from a tall giraffe to a colorful flamingo. By using animals, individuality is explored by showcasing differences.
"All Kinds of Special" shows that we all are unique and should own our differences which make us all special.
As the author explains, the book is a result of her own fight against other’s prejudices.
“Being born with a disability presents its own unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to others’ estimation of your ability and potential. I’ve worked solidly to obtain a prestigious Master’s degree and beat all of the odds that I have come up against,” says Walters.
Continuing, “I am now committed to helping others realize that they are only ones who dictate their own personal success, whatever life throws at them and whatever others think. The fire, tenacity and drive within is all that matters – anything is possible if you put your heart to it.”
Walters believes that animals are the perfect medium through which to share these vital life lessons.
“Children spend a lot of their life being preached to, so the key is to help them learn without them even realizing it. Story and illustrations are two very powerful vehicles through which to do this. Therefore, writing a book was possibly the best way to share these life-changing messages.”
Since its release, the book has garnered a string of rave reviews.
For example, William G. Stokley commented on Amazon, “All Kinds of Special” deserves a 5 star rating because it’s easy to read and understand, especially for a young child. I liked the fact that different animals were used in colorful settings because children can relate to that. The message of the book is the real highlight. It talks about diversity and acceptance which is very important for young children to understand, and it accomplishes this without preaching. This book is a must have for the early childhood education classroom, children of all ages, and libraries everywhere.”
‘All Kinds of Special’ is available now:
The author lives in New Jersey.
All Kinds of Special: Enchanting New Children's Book Uses Cast of Lovable Animals to Celebrate Life's Diversity
Written by P.A. Walters, ‘All Kinds of Special’ helps young children recognize and embrace everyone’s individual differences. By overcoming her own challenges and triumphing in life, Walters is now turning her attention to helping others dictate their own success.