Draper, UT -- (SBWire) -- 09/05/2013 --Xocai International Update: Adam Paul Green, MXI Corp Top Earning Ambassador, has this breaking news for Healthy Chocolate distributors around the globe. The “Healthy Chocolate” US Trademark has received an update this week to its effectiveness statement. The MXI Auto-Ship Loyalty Program is designed to reward those members of the Healthy Chocolate Family who continue to purchase products via the auto-ship program. The Loyalty Program is available to newly enrolled Affiliates and higher who join and establish an auto-ship order at the time of their enrollment. The Loyalty Program is available for 12 months from the date of enrollment. Products at no charge, may be earned by maintaining an active auto-ship order for two or more consecutive auto-ships. Every two consecutive auto-ship orders one purchases will earn product at no charge on a Buy 2 Get 1 Free offer. Also, our new 2013 anti-aging skin care product, Xophoria, is going to be launched this year starting in March 2013 at a special, exclusive event in California.
New call number: 888-998-7766
New webinar login site: http://xocaimeeting.bojabie.com/
Those who can make it there will receive the details on the science behind our new crème, lotion, serum, cleanser, spf and other cosmeceutical skin spot application products. Enter this promo code and receive a special gift at no charge: "Rangsit Pathum Thani Ratchaburi"
It’s no secret that the North American diet is almost entirely deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. The deficiency of omega-3 fats in the North American diet is so severe that it has been linked to an extensive list of health-related problems cited in over 2,000 scientific studies. Omega-3's are essential for the body, meaning they must be obtained through the diet. In fact, the National Institutes of Health recommends that an individual consume at least 220 mg/day of DHA, the most crucial omega-3 fats. The good news is that the Xoçaí Omega Squares provide a minimum of 200 mg of DHA and EPA per three-Square serving. The Squares are an excellent source of omega-3 fats, and promote the necessary balance of essential fatty acids through the unique blend of açai berry, flaxseed and a patented, plant-based omega-3 fat.
Superior Xoçaí healthy chocolate with 200 mg of DHA and EPA from blue algae, açai and flaxseed. Omega-3 fats come from life’s DHA™, the industry’s premiere omega-3 provider. Xoçaí's proprietary XoVita, a high-antioxidant blend of cacao, acai and blueberries. Complemented with orange peel/oil for pleasant flavor.
Benefits include: Xoçaí's leading antioxidant-rich chocolate. Delivers super-potent dose of antioxidants—an amazing ORACfn value of 75,405 per daily serving! Provides much-needed source of omega-3 fatty acids. Helps protect brain, heart, blood vessels, cells and other major body organs.
Allergy Information: Is vegetarian and vegan friendly. Is “clean” – no fillers, synthetics or chemicals. Diabetic-friendly and low-glycemic. Complemented with orange peel/oil for pleasant flavor.
Announcing Xocai's New Xophoria Anti-Aging Serum in Rangsit Pathum Thani Ratchaburi
The Xoçaí X Power Squares use cacao that is blanched, unfermented, sun-dried, non-roasted and cold-pressed, which means it boasts eight times the levels of epicatechins and catechins, and four times the levels of procyanidins than cacao produced with standard processing. X Power Squares are loaded with antioxidants and have an unparalleled ORACfn Value of 16,488 per 6g Square. - Xoçaí's industry-leading healthy chocolate - Xoçaí's proprietary XoVita, a high-antioxidant blend of cacao, acai and blueberries - Contains antioxidant powerhouses acai and blueberries - Loaded with epicatechins and flavanols
- Sweetened with raw cane juice crystals.
Benefits include: - Delivers superior antioxidant protection - Safeguards body’s cells and major organs - Boosts energy, enhances overall health - Promotes healthy digestive function and immune activity
- Has Brunswick Labs certified 3,582 ORACfn score per Square. Features include: - Easy way to consume a high-antioxidant diet - All natural "clean" product—no artificial colors, artificial flavors, or preservatives - Diabetic-friendly and low-glycemic.
Click Below to Order Xocai Power Squares Now!
About MXI Corp
Established in 2005, Marketing Xocolate International Corporation (MXI-Corp) is the world leader in great tasting, healthy, dark, chocolate products. MXI Corp was founded upon the same solid foundation that the Brooks’ family used to build their enormous Pure Delite Low Carb Chocolate company (circa 2000) which had retail sales in Wal-Mart, 7-Eleven, Rite-Aid and Walgreen’s of over $300,000,000. All MXI products are focused on potent doses of delicious, antioxidant-rich Belgian cacao. MXI-Corp believes that the high levels of natural antioxidants and Polyphenols that are found in its cacao can provide a viable solution to individual nutritional needs. The Xoçai™ (sho-sigh) line, which currently includes nine products, is manufactured utilizing a cold-press process, which preserves the nutritional values of the company's proprietary blends of vitamins and minerals. MXI is recognized as the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate. The vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its unique chocolate products. One unique element of the company’s formulations is their proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí and blueberries, called XoVita™. The Xovita ingredient combination is exclusive to Xoçai. Nevada-based MXI-Corp is a privately held company. Xoçai's nine chocolate products have the highest ORAC (antioxidant-measuring test) and flavonoid rich products available on the market. The Brooks family, owners and operators of MXI-Corp, have total combined chocolate sales of more than $1 billion. MXI Corp is now operating internationally in 41 countries. Adam@adamPaulGreen.com www.adampaulgreen.com/partnership
Announcing Xocai's New Xophoria Anti-Aging Serum in Rangsit Pathum Thani Ratchaburi