White Plains, NY -- (SBWire) -- 01/05/2017 --The New Year is just around the corner. After gobbling on the Thanksgiving turkey dishes and enjoying the Christmas dinner, it is time to face the New Year. People think of resolutions to improve themselves, but how about improving gardens?
PennState Extension shared an article on what gardeners should have as their New Year's Resolutions. Read on to this HealthyWiser release to find out the top five resolutions.
On the fifth spot is changing the look of gardens by planting more herbs and vegetables. If the garden that the household has is filled with flowers and pretty shrubs, the website advised to plant more herbs. Such includes basil, oregano, sage and other vegetables in the garden. Resolved.
The top four New Year's resolution is about reducing the lawn areas. This resolution is going to make a practical change by reducing fuel consumption with the lawn equipment used. This also reduces environmental risks by choosing the have smaller lawns when using chemicals as pesticides.
In relation to this, gardeners should begin the year 2017 through using safer products.
"Add one new sustainable gardening method, such as eliminating chemical fertilizers, to your routine to minimize negative effects on the environment," the website noted.
On the top two spot for the best New Year's resolutions is about testing the soil. Testing the soil can now be possible with HealthyWiser's soil moisture meter. It is a soil test kit that can test pH, light and moisture of the soil.
The HealthyWiser soil moisture is designed to take away all the hindrances in gardening. Consumers can know the right time to water their plants, change the soil and adjust lighting.
"I have had the opportunity to try a couple different kinds of these meters. This one from HealthyWiser, seems to be doing a good job for me so far. I have been using it for about two weeks now, and check my plant everyday with it," one customer shared on Amazon.
The best New Year's resolution for gardeners
Wondering what is at the top of the list by PennState Extension? The website stated that if a person is not a gardener, become one this 2017 – makes sense.
"It is scientifically proven that gardening wards off depression: it is difficult not to enjoy life when surrounded by flowers, vegetables and the resulting wildlife they attract," the website noted.
About HealthyWiser
HealthyWiser is a reputable company in the United States that provides various products for health awareness. The products are used for beauty, personal health, and wellness.
For more information about HealthyWiser's plant soil moisture meter, visit their page on Amazon.
Contact Info:
Name – Jon Agustin
Email – jon@healthy-wiser.com
Website - http://www.healthy-wiser.com
Best 2017 New Year's Resolutions Gardeners Should Have