Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWire) -- 04/17/2014 --Its Possible Project is based on the idea that health and happiness go hand in hand. Mary and Marissa have created programs for teenagers (ages 13-18) designed specifically to build the confidence, self-awareness, and healthy habits that will allow them to thrive in the classroom and beyond.
Their first program, the 2014 Summer Catalyst Experience, will launch in July. This will be a six-week workshop series, designed to help middle school children develop a foundation for success and a desire to learn and grow from challenging experiences. This will focus on personal leadership, academic development, and nutritional awareness in this transitional period of adolescent development.
In the fall, they will launch their two individual coaching programs, Academic Life Coaching and Holistic Health Coaching for teenagers (ages 13-18). These programs will be custom tailored to meet the needs of each individual teen.
In Winter 2014, Its Possible Project will launch its first Inner Leader Retreat. This retreat will empower teenagers to be leaders of their own lives. Through experiences that promote innovative thinking, team-building, creative problem solving, and empathy, teenagers develop the confidence and skills to advocate for themselves and others. As a result, teens will build the awareness and capability to create the life they want.
The vision behind this project is to develop an Its Possible Project Summer Sleepaway Camp that provides meaningful, fun and creative experiences that will develop a healthy, active, and engaged community of teenagers. At camp teenagers will learn holistic strategies to improve their quality of life. With a specific focus on nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness teens will be empowered and capable to live healthy balanced lives.
Mary and Marissa need $10,000 to promote their programs and raise awareness about how they can help teenagers excel in school and beyond. Funding will allow them to launch their initiative, reaching out to teenagers and their families first in the Los Angeles area and then nation-wide.
This campaign will receive all funds raised even if it does not reach its goal. Funding duration: April 13, 2014 - May 28, 2014 (11:59pm PT).
Indiegogo Page: http://bit.ly/1r0MIhh
Website: http://www.itspossibleproject.com
Co-Founders Mary Traylor and Marissa Hutter Seek Funding Support via Indiegogo for the "It's Possible Project"