
Code 0666: Love, Vengeance & Justice Collide in Compelling New Novel, as One Christian Man Seeks to Defeat a Twisted Nazi War Criminal

Masterfully crafted by Michael A. Sardo, ‘Code 0666’ takes readers on a tumultuous and emotive journey into not only one man’s quest to locate a Nazi war criminal, but into the lives of innocent and helpless Jewish people. Above all, Sardo’s gripping account will leave readers with plenty to think about.

Posted: Friday, April 18, 2014 at 3:07 PM CDT

Festus, MO -- (SBWire) -- 04/18/2014 --While the subject of Nazi war criminals conjures up nothing but sick individuals with inhumane endeavors, they’re an unforgettable facet of the history books, even if for all of the wrong reasons. In his compelling new novel, author Michael A. Sardo takes readers on a gripping journey to find one of them – but it isn’t going to be easy.

‘Code 0666’ will leave with head full of emotions and a new respect for the Jewish people of Europe, who had no choice but to submit to the Nazi regime’s animalistic behaviors.

The story of a man in his seventies who was ordered to locate the most hideous-minded Nazi war criminal of World War II.

How his heart was touched at the sight of innocent men, women, and children murdered in slave and concentration camps all over Europe, whose only crime was being Jewish.

A thought-provoking account of love, vengeance, and justice.

Recently I, along with several other local authors, was invited to read passages of my book “Code 0666” at the University City Public Library in University City, Missouri. At the end I donated a book to the library and they requested that I signed it – very exciting for an author!” says Sardo.

Continuing, “I’m now extremely interested to connect with other libraries around the world to see if they’re interested in stocking the book. I’m sure reading ‘Code 0666’ will educate as well as uplift readers from all walks of life.”

‘Code 0666’, published by iUniverse, is available now:

About Michael A. Sardo,
Michael A. Sardo, going on 83 years of age wrote “Code 0666” when he turned 80, Born in Laurelton Long Island, New York. Moved to Brooklyn, New York, two months later. Only child of immigrant parents from Sicily. Always lived in an ethnic environment. Michael worked in retail furniture sales and management for twenty-seven years. In 1990 he took an early retirement to work at public relations and grant writing for a homeless shelter and pantry he and his wife established in 1978 south of St. Louis, Missouri. His wife is also a New Yorker born in the Bronx.

Writing has always been his passion. His first book of poetry was published in New York City when he was twenty-one. Hobbies: watching old movies and listening to classical music. He has three sons, seven grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and three cats.