
Crowdfund Buzz Celebrates Its 4th Birthday in Crowdfunding Promotion

Crowdfunding pioneer and industry leader shows remarkable maturity for a four year old in helping crowdfunders with public relations and promotion.

Posted: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 11:15 AM CDT

Las Vegas, NV -- (SBWire) -- 10/19/2016 --On October 18th, 2012 Crowdfund Buzz appeared on the crowdfunding scene and turned the crowdfunding industry - then in its infancy - on its ear through affordable, effective crowdfunding promotion. Crowdfund Buzz founder Matt Cooke had a vision to offer powerful ways to promote a crowdfunding campaign at very modest fees. His thinking? That crowdfunders are looking to raise money and not burn through a lot of cash.

Despite the fact that Crowdfund Buzz's fees for service have increased, on average, by over 1000% since its inception, Mr. Cooke's thinking is baked into the DNA of Crowdfund Buzz. That's because crowdfunders can take advantage of impressive media reach to news and media outlets as well as daily social media engagement for as little as $499.

"When I came onboard with Crowdfund Buzz in 2013, our three tiers of service ranged from $68 to $99," according to Howard Sherman, managing member of Crowdfund Buzz. "Looking purely at the numbers it would seem outrageous to raise prices from $68 for our base package in 2012 to $499 today until you consider how much more we deliver for our clients every day," Sherman offers. "Fast forward four years and our entry-level clients enjoy unprecedented guaranteed media reach to no less than 175 media outlets across America through conventional public relations as well daily social media engagement to an audience that's far, far larger than it was four years ago. All told, we're a better deal today at $499 than we were at the $68 price point way back then," Sherman concluded.

It's difficult to ignore the facts at hand; Crowdfund Buzz's most popular crowdfunding public relations package is their Pro option at $999 and gives crowdfunders powerful reach to more people and far faster for thousands less than other crowdfunding promotion firms in their space.

Pro clients have been featured in some of the biggest media channels in America included The Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine, CNBC and even Fox News among many others. Just last week, a client of their Base promotion package successfully raised over $500,000 in exactly 24 hours.

"Indiegogo co-founder Slava Rubin spoke at The Global Crowdfunding Convention just yesterday and talked about embracing risk and constantly innovating. We couldn't agree more as we continue to improve and perfect as Crowdfund Buzz reviews our crowdfunding public relations services constantly in pursuit of improving our performance and providing more value to our clients," Sherman added.

History seems to prove them right; originally launched in Boulder, Colorado then relocated to central New Jersey in November 2013 and then to Las Vegas in June 2015, people might be curious to know why Crowdfund Buzz adopted some wanderlust. Sherman's answer? "Time zones. Through my direct experience and observation, Las Vegas is the perfect climate for crowdfunding. Being on Pacific Time helps us serve our global clients over a wider window of time each day as we support our clients who attend the myriad of trade shows that happen in Las Vegas month after month. Added bonus? Nevada is business friendly and extremely tax friendly!" Sherman added with a laugh.

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