San Francisco, CA -- (SBWire) -- 12/07/2012 --The economic crisis has had some unintended and unforeseen effects. One such is that the stock markets have been placed front and center in people’s minds. After an unprecedented level of media insight, many wish to take up stock trading for themselves after hearing of the ridiculous sums made by the professionals. Daily Equity Report is a website that provides regularly updated news, insights and insider tips to those approaching the stock market as beginners or intermediates. They have recently redoubled their value to readers with academic research papers now published weekly.
Daily Equity Reporter separate their content on a homepage that is intuitive and streamlined, with popular articles in the right-hand sidebar, alongside featured posts by top analysts on the stock market today and US Market commentary. Beneath users can find technical analyses and information on commodities. The main menu provides access to a learning resource centre that allows newcomers to acquaint themselves with everything from commonly used terms to advanced trading strategies.
Their newest addition, stock research reports, will be added weekly to the site, and aim to provide unfiltered expertise to the readership in order to exponentially enhance their insight into the markets. Papers already published include analysis of bull and bear cycles, oil inflation, American dependency, and the effect of political outcomes on equity markets.
A spokesperson for the site explained the usefulness of the research articles, “The inclusion of academic research into our website creates what we feel is a holy trinity of content. Our learning resource centre has always been popular with readers because it gives them actionable insights that will allow them to begin trading successfully. But what one can’t learn from such a resource is the years of experience and business acumen that separates the men from the boys. These academic articles, many written by economists and financial analysts, are a weekly window into the world of that privileged few, democratized so that everyone can benefit.”
About Daily Equity Reporter
Daily Equity Reporter is the epicenter of interesting perspectives and opportunities in the stock market today. They bring a broad range of insights on multiple companies to create an invaluable resource for their readers. They also provide their readers a rich repository of academic articles with which to self-educate and work toward their goals of becoming savvy investors. For more information, please visit:
Daily Equity Reporter Announce Weekly Original Academic Papers on Stock Trends