
Deborah Morgan with Kids Health Revolution Radio Interviews Author Sally Fallon Morell

Kids Health Revolution Radio with Deborah Morgan hosts Sally Fallon Morell author of the popular book Nourishing Traditions to discuss they myths of children's nutrition.

Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 11:15 AM CDT

Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWire) -- 08/23/2016 --On Wednesday August 24th at 8:00 AM Pacific Time/9:00 AM Mountain Time Deborah Morgan will interview well known Author and President of the Weston Price Foundation Sally Fallon Morell. Sally will be joining us to discuss true children's nutrition and to shine a light on how we have been misled for many years as to what is best of our children's growing bodies. Many of the healthy food myths that are rampant today are contributing to growing health problems for our kids and keeping our kids sick. It is time to debunk these myths and begin truly nourishing our children for optimal health. Sally Fallon Morell is best known as the author of Nourishing Traditions® and Nourishing Traditions book of baby and childcare. Both books Challenge current nutritional advice that she very fittingly refers to as Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. They are very well-researched, though-provoking guides that emphasize a nutrient-dense diet starting before conception and continuing through pregnancy, breastfeeding and the period of growth. Sally is a journalist, nutritionist, mother and grandmother to children all brought up with Nourishing traditions principles. She is also the founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and editor of the Foundation's quarterly magazine. The Foundation has fifteen thousand members and almost six hundred local chapters worldwide. Sally is an engaging and knowledgeable speaker and offers her wisdom with frequent speaking engagements and interviews all over the world.

Bringing guests such as naturopaths, nutritionists, parent coaches, nuerodevelopmentalists and parents with real life experience to the show Deborah is sharing vital inspiration, information and tools to her listeners. Information that will help parents of children with autoimmune, neurological and chronic health condition to improve their children's health naturally.

Deborah Morgan is saving listeners time and endless frustration by providing clear guidance and trustworthy information from the industry's top experts, so they can get down to business and take action in improving their children's health. It is inspirational, educational and engaging talk radio that is empowering parents all over the world.

Kids Health Revolution Radio is broadcast live every Wednesday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel.

Deborah Morgan is a certified holistic nutritionist, certified GAPS practitioner, certified counsellor and the founder of Kids Health Revolution. She offers live and virtual nutritional programs for parents looking to make major improvements in their children's health. Her programs are based on her education and real life experience helping her own son overcome an autoimmune condition. Deborah used diet and natural approaches to dramatically improve her son's health even when everyone told her she couldn't. She is now passionate advocate for kids health and empowering parents to stand up and make a difference for their kids.

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