
Debut Film from AMG Services Editing and Production Reviewed by Movie Favorites reviews "Spans Of Friendship", the first film produced by AMG Services Editing And Production.

Posted: Friday, March 28, 2014 at 11:45 AM CDT

Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWire) -- 03/28/2014 announces review of "Spans Of Friendship", AMG Services Editing and Production's first full-length film. The review appeared in an article as part of a regular "Indie Film Appreciation" feature on the Movie Favorites website. According to the recent review, AMG Services was essential in maintaining the technical quality of the film.

"We review a lot of indie films and we see a wide range of quality in those films," says Albert Hines of MovieFavorites.Org. "One of the common problems is that independent film makers put much more emphasis on artistic value than on technical value, but in 'Spans Of Friendship', it's clear that AMG Services did a top-notch job."

According to editors of Movie Favorites, high production values in indie films is an easy way for upcoming filmmakers to set themselves apart. The recent article published on Movie Favorites states that the work of AMG Services contributed to a "polished and professional look" in "Spans Of Friendship".

Albert Hines commented on the educational value of the recent review: "We want to inspire and educate future filmmakers and aspiring film fans. It's important for new filmmakers to realize that execution is even more important that vision when it comes to making a great film. AMG Services demonstrates how working with a professional-quality production and editing studio can make a film look more like a blockbuster hit and less like a home video."

The recent review published on MovieFavorites.Org follows a series of articles in which the Movie Favorites staff was disappointed by the amateur production quality in several indie films. Editors of Movie Favorites say that they will be reporting on the next film from AMG Services Editing and Production as soon as more information is available.

By Michael Polar

Debut Film From AMG Services Editing And Production Reviewed