
Demand Skyrockets for Innovative Hair Restoration Method

Posted: Monday, June 20, 2011 at 3:11 PM CDT

Beverly Hills, CA -- (SBWire) -- 06/20/2011 --DermHair Clinic, with offices in Redondo Beach and Los Angeles, is experiencing unprecedented demand due to its innovative FUE hair transplant procedure.

Dr. Sanusi Umar, a respected surgeon trained at the UniMaid College of Medical Sciences, has implemented a procedure that does away with the outdated method of “strip mining” the scalp. Strip mining is practiced in most hair restoration clinics and is known to cause scaring and a painful recovery.

Dr. Umar discovered the Follicular Unit Extraction method, an advanced, minimally invasive and virtually pain-free hair transplant surgery that is providing patients with great looking hair in a mater of days. Because Dr. Umar uses a microsurgical technique, incisions are tiny and fast healing.

“Strip transplant patients are required to keep the hair at the sides and back of their heads long at all times in order to hide the scars,” Dr. Umar said. “Our FUE patients can crew cut without fear.”

The method also provides rapid healing and recovery rates unheard of in other areas of the hair restoration field. Patients often return to their normal lives immediately following the procedure. FUE also allows for the use of body hair, so the amount of transplantable hair is dramatically increased.

FUE hair restoration allows patients to keep the hair on the sides and back of the head shorter, which makes recipients look less bald. Newly transplanted follicles will also grow in natural pattern from the time of the first treatment.

Dr. Umar spent years developing his methods of less invasive, less painful hair restoration and hair restoration repair. Today, he operates two offices in the Los Angeles area, one in Beverly Hills, where his method of knife-free natural hair replacement draws patients from all over the country.

“You are on a journey to seek a treatment that will alter your appearance for the rest of your life,” Dr. Umar added. “Therefore it is crucial that you take time to educate yourself about the FUE transplant procedure and the physician who will perform the surgery.”

Dr. Umar brings credentials and experience not offered in most hair restoration clinics. His research has appeared in the Journal of Dermatology and General Medicine. He has also presented his findings at national and international conferences.

Dermhair Clinic also works with CareCredit to help patients come up with a payment plan. Out-of-state patients can get details through an online consultation program and Dr. Umar’s staff will even help visitors find accommodations in Redondo Beach.

For more information on FUE hair restoration, visit