Orange, CA -- (SBWire) -- 04/03/2013 launched its new website geared towards providing the general public the means for obtaining appropriate DUI-related legal representation. Access to thoroughly researched information pointing to the best affordable DUI attorney is critical when drivers make mistakes and face serious consequences.
DUI Lawyer Daytona Beach gathers together in one central place all information needed to deal with charges of driving while intoxicated within Daytona Beach city limits. This resource should prove especially invaluable to tourists and other visitors to the area who are unfamiliar with local law firms specializing in DUI.
Although there is no magic formula guaranteeing escape from prosecution, every individual has the right to fair treatment. Within ethical bounds, attorneys take all steps to hold Daytona Beach law enforcement accountable. They press for DUI case dismissal if police fail to follow proper procedure.
The potential danger and serious nature of driving while influenced by drugs or alcohol is not to be minimized nor in any way condoned. On the other hand, a DUI conviction can sometimes lead to excessive and costly penalties disproportionate to the mistake committed.
Those arrested in Daytona Beach for drinking-related crimes automatically face loss of driving privileges. Florida DUI code permits just a ten-day period in which to request a formal hearing challenging mandatory license suspension.
Enough variables affect each driving-while-intoxicated case that defending it is virtually unique. The level of the charges depends on the number of prior DUI convictions, the extent of property damage, and whether or not serious bodily injury or death occurred.
Additional charges are filed for having a minor child present in the vehicle at time of arrest, driving a commercial vehicle, being under the age of 21, testing for blood-alcohol content above .15, and violating DUI probation. Minimum penalties for first-time offenses are $500-1000 fine and/or six months of jail time.
The state of Florida has the third-highest number of DUI arrests in the nation. The Daytona Beach region has the second-highest number in the state. Needless to say, this offence is taken seriously, requiring a qualified Daytona Beach DUI lawyer to try to reduce or eliminate penalties.
Florida participates in the DOT Alcohol-Impaired Driving Countermeasure Incentive Grant Program. Funds received enable local police departments to implement a greater number of saturation patrols and DUI checkpoints. This naturally results in increased number of arrests.
Furthermore, Daytona Beach takes stronger measures against driving under the influence than most Florida cities. Recruits from other cities and states are brought in to beef up enforcement during NASCAR races, Biketoberfest, Bike Week, and other big events.
Consult to find out:
- What actions to take after being arrested for DUI
- How to interview DUI attorneys
- The likely outcome of not hiring a lawyer
- All the ramifications of having a DWI conviction on your record
- The various penalties assessed for drinking under the influence
The right Daytona Beach DUI attorney is well equipped to help those facing alcohol-related charges to achieve the best possible outcome. He or she will ensure that defendant rights aren't inadvertently waived, that charges are reduced or dropped if possible, and that penalties are no worse than necessary.
Click on this link to begin finding the right attorney for you.
Barbara Thorpe
Barbara (at)onlinemarketingdna(dot)net
DUI Lawyer Daytona Educates General Public with a New Website