
Empyreal: Captivating New Young Adult Fantasy Series Exposes Secrets, Lies & Hidden Truths

Posted: Monday, June 10, 2013 at 2:28 PM CDT

Cullman, AL -- (SBWire) -- 06/10/2013 --While young adult fiction is steadily on the rise, few books are as compelling, powerful or suspenseful as Christal M. Mosley’s new ‘Empyreal’ series. Taking young readers on a true adventure into a fantastical world of the paranormal, Mosley’s thought-provoking narratives are striking a chord with many young readers.

The series’ first two books, ‘Awaken’ and ‘Rise & Fall’, boast bold plots with the intricate twists that today’s younger generation demand.


Awaken: What if there was a vast hole where your memories should be? When you closed your eyes, all you saw was darkness? Then, what if one day, light began to shine through, illuminating keys to your past? Would you try to unveil the truth? Even if it’s not what you wanted?

When enigmatic dreams and arcane encounters begin to unravel the world around her, Coralie begins to question the elements that surround her. As images of her past begin to rise to the surface, missing pieces to her future begin to fall into place. Will Coralie be able to uncover the hidden secrets that lie within the darkness? Those who surround her, good and evil, are waiting to find out. Secrets, lies, and hidden truth, make Awaken an outright enthralling read. Christal M. Mosley takes readers on a spell-binding journey of unearthing among the obscured and adventures amid the unseen that they will never want to end.

Rise & Fall: Now that Coralie knows the truth about her heritage, it’s up to her to find the answers that she seeks. Coralie and Court get separated due to an assigned Mission by the Elders on Coralie’s behalf. Cal and Katelyn believe that, to avoid any trouble that may slide underneath the radar while Court’s away, a change of scenery is just what their daughter may need…and they know just the person to aid in her protection. While Alex and Coralie are tucked safely away in the Empyreal Warriors’ homeland of Greece, Coralie should be safe…right? That is, until word gets out and the ones who seek the new found Warrior are getting closer by the minute. When Cal gets word of his daughter’s potential threat, he goes after the Rogue members of the Council that seek her. But when Cal goes missing, the Warrior in Coralie rises to align the world around her. Join the Empyreal Warriors in the captivating, compelling, and emotional sequel to Awaken.

As the author explains, young adults deserve fiction that stretches their mind and forces them to question their own opinions.

“Many writing for a younger audience opt for simple fiction that is somewhat too easy to read. My research showed that young adults enjoy fiction that is just as intricate as the books their older relatives consume. This makes my Empyreal series a true crossover that teenagers can enjoy with gusto,” says Mosley.

Continuing, “The response I’ve received to date has been extremely positive. I can’t wait to proceed with the next books and we’re all excited to see where they take us!”

To date, reviews have been overwhelmingly positive.

For example, Mary Meyer commented, “The book was awesome full of mysteries secrets drama and lies that were told. And lies came to the surface. And the beginning of undying love. I recommend this book to everyone.”

Critics also praise the author for her diligent attempts to shake up the young adult genre for good. With demand for the series increasing, interested readers are urged to purchase their copies as soon as possible.

‘Awaken’ and ‘Rise & Fall’, published by WheelMan Press, are available now from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Apple Store and directly from the author. For more information, visit:

About the author, in her own words:
I grew up in a small town outside of Birmingham, Alabama. I was a very hyperactive child, in both mind and body - always on the go, always thinking up characters, then acting out my imaginary worlds. When I wasn't making up my own stories, I was reading someone else's. I have always had a funny or theatrical story to tell. While in school, I wrote many short stories and a few novellas. Some of them I shared, some I just did for fun. Later on, I achieved a Master’s degree in Arts & Sciences from University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Writing is my passion, but I enjoy other things, too. I am an avid-reader of fresh new voices and old favorites. I love to dance & I live through music. I love to make people laugh & I enjoy different creative outlets. But most of all, I love to spend time with my awesome and beautiful family. They make my world so full of life, laughter, and love. And I thank God every day for the wonderful blessings and gifts that He has given me.

I currently live in Alabama with my family, and I continue to create imaginary worlds for all to explore.