San Francisco, CA -- (SBWire) -- 05/15/2014 --Acid reflux or heartburn is very usual, it is estimated that 50% of the American population is experiencing this. This condition is triggered when gastric acids back up into the esophagus. This brings a burning sensation on the chest area, and may extend up to the throat, neck, and even angles of the jaw. Though over the counter medicines are effective, remedies can be made available within the vicinity of one’s home. Lifestyle change and self discipline may also relieve the pain – long term.
If one finds himself taking antacids like candies, experiencing heartburns more than twice a week and is taking antacids longer than a couple of weeks, it’s time to consult a specialist. Recurrent heartburns may result to long term health problems. Worst case scenario, frequent heartburns may even lead to cancer. Prevention is better than cure. Dealing with the heartburn’s root cause may avoid its complications in the future.
The alternative aid to heartburn can be made available on one’s home. These are not expensive, do not require special or scientific instructions and can be served in right away. So when a sumptuous food is served that one is craving for but is feeling the symptoms of heartburn, hesitate no more. Try one of these heartburn home remedies:
Almonds are rich in calcium and it is advised to eat them raw to ease heartburn. Once digested, they will produce alkaline that will balance the pH level of the stomach and pacifies it. This will prevent the occurrence of heartburn.
Make it a habit to drink lukewarm water and lemon juice after waking up or before meals. This is one of the best and easiest ways to prevent heartburns, since this gives a great balance of acidity in the abdominal area.
Chewing gum. This may sound awkward, but gum stimulates the salivary gland to produce more saliva which buffers the acid. In addition, chewing a gum enables someone to swallow more often which will make the nasty acids be drawn back out of the esophagus. In choosing a gum, make sure that it is sugar free to protect the teeth as well.
Baking soda is a base. That being said, this will neutralize the stomach acid. It is advised to mix ½ to 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water. Though one must be cautious on making this a regular remedy for a frequent heartburn – this is high in sodium (salt) which may cause some side effects like nausea and swelling.
To wrap this list, the most intriguing home remedy for acid reflux is the apple cider vinegar. Will acid neutralize acid? The latest study shows heartburn is not always caused by the overproduction of acid, a matter of fact, it is the contrary for most people. Too little amount of acid is produced to be able to the food eaten. It is advised to take 1 to 2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar diluted to a glass of water. Though the taste may be displeasing for some, adding honey will somehow cover the taste making it easier to intake.
Don’t let heartburn ruin a delightful meal. Feel free from heartburns with the above home remedies. These are worth the try and are proven effective.
About Home Remedies for Heartburn Tips
Home Remedies for Heartburn Tips gives useful and various lists to aid heartburn. Surely, one can find a remedy that will be comfortable for the body. There are also success and inspiring stories that one may read.
Enjoy Every Meal, Feel Free from Heartburn with These Home Remedies
It really is disturbing when one is having a heartburn and when there’s a scrumptious food on the table. Bid those delectable food goodbye until the pain settles. But chances are, this will come back if not medicated. When caught under this condition, a home remedy really comes in handy.