
Executive Auto Salon Warns Motor Vehicle Owners to Get Maintenance on Their Car Before the Winter Season

Posted: Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 11:07 AM CST

Philadelphia, PA -- (SBWire) -- 11/15/2018 --Executive Auto Salon, a leading auto body shop experienced in car detailing, restoration, and paint jobs in Philadelphia, PA, has been servicing car owners since 2001. They have a dedicated team of expert mechanics and auto body technicians whose success is driven by customer satisfaction. Prior to the winter season, Executive Auto Salon urges car owners to take preventative measures to ensure their vehicle remains in good condition to withstand brutal cold weather.

There are many parts of a vehicle that are affected by cold temperatures in the winter season. Checking a car's tire pressure prior to the winter is essential because tire pressure typically drops 1 PSI for every 10-degree change in air temperature. Driving with low tire pressure causes it to experience premature tire wear or possible tread separation. Worn out tires also lose traction, which is extremely hazardous in the winter time, as drivers are more likely to experience hydroplaning and slide during turns.

A vehicle's battery should be inspected and go through a volt test to ensure it's viable and can withstand the winter season. During cold temperatures, a car's battery can require twice as much current to start, so it's important to make sure it's in good condition in the spring or summer season. Lastly, ensuring a car's defroster and climate control is in good working condition is necessary for both the comfort and safety of the owner and its vehicle. A climate control system aids in the warmth of the interior of a vehicle, as well as preventing windows from fogging up. A defroster is responsible for preventing windows from icing up in cold temperatures.

To ensure safe travels this winter season, it's imperative to inspect the above areas of a vehicle. The experts at Executive Auto Salon are available for restoration, detailing and car painting in Philadelphia, PA. To hear about their list of services, or to schedule an appointment, call 215-289-1500.

About Executive Auto Salon
Executive Auto Salon is proud to offer the finest automotive detailing, auto body repair, and painting services in the Tri-State area. They possess over 20 years of automotive experience. The company is dedicated to providing exceptional service for those in the Philadelphia area. Executive Auto Salon is happy to assist those who are looking to take care of their automobile.

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