
Game Solver Provides the Solutions to Mobile and Web's Most Frustrating Game Levels

Game Solver collates solutions for the most difficult levels on the most frustrating but addictive games played by millions of players every week.

Posted: Thursday, June 20, 2013 at 11:12 AM CDT

San Francisco, CA -- (SBWire) -- 06/20/2013 --There are few things more frustrating in life than feeling bested by a simple, colorful matrix of randomised challenges created by a computer. However, the feeling of beating such games is extremely satisfying, so it is no surprise that these games are extremely popular- the stakes are sufficiently high without causing any real life consequences. When people are unable to beat a particular level, many turn to sites like Game Solver to find solutions and to get past the roadblock on their quest to conquer the game.

The website provides What The Riddle, Hi Guess The Movie, Little Riddles, Emoji Pop and Icomania Answers, solving the puzzles presented on behalf of users so that those who have had their progress blocked can once again move forward. These are easy to search for using the search bar on the site or using the featured ‘popular solutions’ bar on the homepage.

To get an Icomania Answer, for instance, players can see a list of answers for frequently occurring icons in the first level, which range from the instantly recognisable to the peculiarly obtuse. They can then skip through to different levels of the games to find specific answers.

A spokesperson for Game Solver explained, “We are dedicated to providing solutions for every level on every major game released for mobile and the web. Our solvers allow players to enter key details from different games such as the letters they have been presented with or search for level specific hints and suggestions that might unlock the way to beat them. Some people consider this cheating, but others realise that if a level has been set to too high a level of challenge then there can be no real reward and grinding through to beat it- the developers aren’t perfect and sometimes they make mistakes, we offer a means to effectively bypass these before they spoil the fun, or the high score.”

About Game Solver
Game Solver is a new website dedicated to providing answers and solutions for the world’s most popular online and mobile games. The site features solutions for many of the top games on the market and offers multiple language support including French, Spanish and German. The site is continually expanding and adding new games as they are released or gaining popularity. For more information please visit: