Reykjavik, Iceland -- (SBWire) -- 09/15/2014 --This story is winning the Internet these days with the most of the major news agencies reporting on the story.
It’s about a clever Dutch girl (who happens to be a graphic designer) pretended to go on holiday for FIVE weeks, posting regular updates and pictures from her trip on her Facebook profile.
Turns out, she had had enough after five weeks of rearranging her room to look like different hotel rooms and came clean to her family and friends.
She did an excellent job of faking pictures from various vacation spots from her trip around the world. Unfortunately she didn’t get any airline miles…
Her motive was an excellent one; to show how easy it is to manipulate digital media and be someone else online than you are in real life.
The fact is that we give digital pictures way too much credibility and usually don’t second-guess what we see online.
This is exactly why we are making Authenteq. So you can prove what you saw, when and where.
Using the Authenteq mobile app, not only could she not fake the pictures taken with the Authenteq app by photoshopping them, the location feature in the app would also show she wasn’t in Tailand, Singapore or Philippines, but holed up in her quaint little apartment in Amsterdam.
But we are so intrigued and impressed with her work (and that she seems to have a highly acute sense for marketing) that we have reached out to her about offering her a job!
About Authenteq
Authenteq empowers you to prove what you saw, when and where.
Authenteq is the first and only mobile app that allows you to take a picture with your smart phone that can be proven to be taken at an exact time, date and location.
You capture important moments with your smart phone's camera that can later be retrieved to back up claims that you may have to support. We document the technical DNA of the photo and using our proprietary security and encryption software issue a certificate of authenticity to prove that the picture hasn't been changed or altered in any way since the moment it was taken.
To learn more about Authenteq and the revolutionary new mobile app, please contact:
Kari Runarsson
CEO Authenteq
Eidistorg 13-15
170 Reykjavik, Iceland
Company name: Authenteq
Contact number: 00 354 862 0000
Contact: Kari Runarsson, CEO
Girl Scams Family, How a Dutch Girlfaked a Whole Month of Her Life
Zilla van den Born just showed how easy it is to fake your own life with digital media.