Williamstown, MA -- (SBWire) -- 12/05/2011 --Rapid advancement in the display industry has made ways for a number of display technologies in the current past. The display industry has advanced from the heaviest material called the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) to efficient displays such as Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED). The advancements have been witnessed in the market in the last forty years due to the explosion of computers of sizes ranging from mainframes to palmtops and now to displays that are less than an inch diagonally.
The combination of different types of display technologies has helped the existing microdisplay market to diverse in the areas of defense and medicine. Different technologies are specifically used for different applications based on the features and performance of these technologies. The microdisplays are compact small sized displays with very high resolutions and a large number of pixels.
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Due to slump in the market in 2008, the market for microdisplays was hit and a lot of companies either closed down or were acquired by the other companies. The market is now on the rise due to increase in the use of microdisplays in smart phones and televisions. The increasing number of applications is now gaining momentum.
Microdisplays, with the help of head mounted displays, will be majorly seen in the automotive industry for automotive prototyping in terms of virtually designing a car and the exact position of different parts can be evaluated and changed accordingly. They are also used in the automotive sector for providing additional information to the driver with respect to night vision. The digital printing and the data storage are also potential applications in the microdisplay market. The use of microdisplays in aerospace applications refers to flight training and simulation where the key product used is a head mounted display.
The global microdisplays market is expected to reach $995.0 million by 2016 from just about $250 million in 2011 at a CAGR of 31.82% from 2011 to 2016. The use of these displays in the head mounted displays will indirectly help the microdisplays market to increase. These head mounted displays are used extensively in the military and the medical field.
Scope of the report
Global microdisplays market research report categorizes the global market of microdisplays on the basis of them being used in different products, applications, the technology being used to develop the microdisplays, and geographical analysis; forecasting revenue, and analyzing trends in the market.
On the basis of product
The product market is segmented into two broad categories; namely projections and near-to-eye displays. The projections are further classified into data projectors and rear projection televisions. The near-to-eye displays are further classified into head mounted displays, electronic viewfinders, and video glasses. The market trend for these products is discussed.
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"Global Microdisplays Market by Technology, Products & Applications (2011 - 2016)" - New Market Report
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