Deerfield Beach, FL -- (SBWire) -- 08/04/2016 --Ultracapacitor is an electrical component that can hold hundred times more charge quantity compared to a normal capacitor. Global capacitor market having a 2.5% CAGR is expected to touch $20.2 Billion revenue mark by 2018.
A major driver for Ultracapacitor market is in electrical smart meters. The smart meters market has CAGR of 18.7% and the market is expected to reach a demand of 148 million units by 2018.
High initial cost can be considered as the main restraint for the growth of ultracapacitor market. Ultracapacitor batteries cost between $2400 to $5800 for each kWh energy storage, whereas, lithium ion batteries costs $500 to $1000.
The big players in this market are Cap-XX, Ioxus Inc, LS Mtron, Maxwell Technologies Inc, Nec-Tokin, Nesscap Co Ltd, Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation, Panasonic Corporation, Supreme Power Solutions Co Ltd, Vinatech Co Ltd and Yunasko.
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Global Ultracapacitors Market 2016: Industry Study, Research, Statistics, and Research to 2021
Global Market Research Report on Ultracapacitors Market 2016 is a professional and in-depth complete study on the current state of the Ultracapacitors worldwide.