
Group Health Insurance a Major Benefit for Small Businesses According to Benepath

Posted: Monday, March 03, 2014 at 8:00 AM CST

Newtown Sq, PA -- (SBWire) -- 03/03/2014 --To stay competitive in today’s business world, many small businesses offer group health insurance to their workers as a benefit.

“One of the first things employees want to know, when they are hired by a small company, is what kind of health insurance is available to them and how much it costs,” said Clelland Green, RHU and CEO at Benepath in Pennsylvania. “Since this is a perk with short- and long-term benefits, it is important to understand how group health insurance works.”

A business owner offers health insurance coverage because they need a competitive edge to attract and retain good workers. With group insurance, employees can take advantage of vision, medical and dental coverage for much less than they would pay for the same coverage individually.

There are two types of small group health insurance plans available: Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs).

Under PPOs, subscribers take responsibility for a deductible amount before any other medical bills are paid. Those with PPOs may see any doctor they wish within a specific network. Should they need to go out-of-network to see another doctor, subscribers usually pay a higher rate and put in a claim for reimbursement later.

Health Maintenance Organizations regulate whom a subscriber sees and what services they may receive. An in-network provider must offer any services rendered, or those services are not covered. Subscribers under such a plan have a primary care physician managing all medical care who refers them to other specialists as needed. If a patient does not have a referral, the service is not paid for by the insurance plan.

“Group health benefits are more affordable than individual health benefits, largely because the premium costs are shared by the worker and employer. The percentage split may vary from plan to plan, but usually, it still works out to be a cost-effective option. Workers with families will also find group insurance beneficial. Each situation is different, so ask about your coverage when you are hired,” Green suggested.

Most individual policies decline to pay bills relating to asthma, cancer or other ongoing health issues. Those with pre-existing conditions may find group health insurance particularly appealing, as such policies do not place the same limits on such conditions.

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