
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Diet and Weight Loss Plans Announces the Nation's Most Modernized Version of the Original, Outdated 1950s hCG Diet Plan

Benefiting from decades of research, Diet Doc has extracted the most vital elements of the original outdated hCG diet plan, and has designed a rapid, safe and simple solution to losing embarrassing excess fat without cravings or between meal hunger.

Posted: Friday, August 23, 2013 at 5:00 AM CDT

Escondido, CA -- (SBWire) -- 08/23/2013 --hCG is a hormone that is naturally produced in the placenta of pregnant women and functions to assure the nutritional health of the fetus should the expectant mother be unable to do so. In the 1950s, it was discovered by researcher, A.T.W. Simeons, that patients who were administered low doses of this powerful hormone while consuming a daily caloric intake of only 500 calories per day, would lose weight very rapidly. Although patients were successful in losing excess weight, the dangerously low calorie diet posed serious and significant health compromise.

Decades of scientific research have allowed Diet Doc to design the country’s most modern day version of the original, outdated hCG diet. By extracting the most essential elements of the original hCG diet and creating diet plans that are designed by nutritionists that are specially trained in the science of safe and fast weight loss, along with the administration of 100% pure prescription hCG, the company has been successful in creating the nation’s leading and most trusted medical weight loss plans and have helped thousands of Americans enjoy a more active, more rewarding and healthier lifestyle by losing excess and dangerous fat.

Diet Doc’s hCG diet plans are designed in consideration of each patient’s specific medical, nutritional and lifestyle needs, while being rich in essential nutrients and offering a wide selection of healthy and delicious food choices. The artfully created diet plans maintain the patient’s interest while the fast weight loss keeps motivation at its peak.

Each potential patient must complete a simple medical evaluation and doctor consultation with an in-house physician to assure that the patient is indeed qualified to lose weight fast with the prescription hCG diet plans. Medical history, nutritional and dietary needs, as well as lifestyle are personally considered prior to designing personalized diet plans, along with the administration of prescription hCG. This information also allows the professional weight loss experts to review each patient’s entire system to identify and resolve any roadblocks that may be hindering fast weight loss.

Diet Doc’s 100% pure hCG is available to qualified patients by prescription only and cannot be found in stores. Because Diet Doc manufactures all prescription products in FDA approved pharmacies in the United States, the company can assure that only the most pure and safest diet products are provided to patients.

The company makes prescription hCG available in three convenient forms; painless injectable solution, sublingual tablets and oral hCG drops. Regardless of the chosen method of hCG delivery, dieters can anticipate natural, safe and fast weight loss. Because prescription hCG injectable solution has the ability to naturally suppress the appetite, as well as being enhanced with energy-boosting Vitamin B12, patients are transitioning into slimmer, healthier bodies without suffering from between meal hunger, cravings or energy loss, which is typically associated with dieting. In fact, if dieters experience any of these symptoms, they are urged to contact the professionals at Diet Doc who will immediately make the necessary adjustments.

The professionals at Diet Doc monitor and medically supervise each patient’s diet journey with scheduled weekly communication and are eager to lend unlimited support, guidance and encouragement 6 days per week via phone or email. Offering this superior level of personal service that is unparalleled by competitors, Diet Doc has become the most reliable and trusted prescription hCG diet plan in the country.

Before resorting to over the counter diet pills, starvation diets, or even weight loss surgery, call today to schedule a free and confidential consultation and join the millions that have made Diet Doc's prescription hCG diet plans the most sensible and successful solution for unwanted and unhealthy excess fat. Diet Doc is available by Skype and other internet applications, making safe and fast weight loss available to even those that find it difficult to attend a weight loss clinic in Austin Texas.

Diet Doc Contact Information:

San Diego, CA
(800) 272-0482

Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg

Before and after weight loss