
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Offers Opportunity to Live Longer & Feel Better with New hCG Diet Plans, Now More Closely Tailored to Patient Need

Diet Doc has introduced a new way to lose weight fast, improving on outdated weight loss plans and establishing itself as one of the most reliable diet providers on the market by offering all patients individually tailored plans built around their bodies.

Posted: Monday, August 26, 2013 at 5:00 AM CDT

Escondido, CA -- (SBWire) -- 08/26/2013 --Years of consuming a diet of rich, processed, sugary and high carbohydrate foods combined with low activity levels result in excess fat on the body. Because the body does not always have the ability to burn these high calorie foods, the excess fat is sent to the cells of the body for storage. The fat stores continue to grow, typically accumulating in the areas of the belly, hips, thighs and underarms.

The professionals at Diet Doc know that, in order to prevent obesity, these fat stores must to be mobilized and moved through the body. The company has taken dieting to a new level by designing hCG diet plans that target these fat stores and trigger their release into the bloodstream to be burned for energy.

Not only does the company provide the safest and most effective means of losing weight naturally and quickly, but the professional weight loss staff accompanies each patient throughout this life changing journey from beginning to end. Each patient’s diet experience is supervised by a team of board certified fast weight loss doctors and progress is monitored with scheduled weekly communication. Dieters are never alone and can reach the staff of compassionate coaches, nutritionists and nurses via phone or email 6 days per week for questions, support, guidance and encouragement.

Qualified Diet Doc patients will begin their journey by completing a detailed, yet quite simple, medical evaluation followed by a doctor consultation. This information allows the physicians to evaluate each patient’s system and to identify and resolve any issues that may be hindering healthy and fast weight loss. Certified nutritionists will work with each patient to develop nutrient rich diet meal plans. Because the diets incorporate a wide range of delicious and healthy food choices, patients find that following the plans not only results in fast weight loss, but the hCG diet plans hold their interest while the rapid results keeps them motivated.

The combination of these nutrient rich hCG diet plans, coupled with the medically supervised administration of the powerful hCG diet plan jump starts the metabolism, signaling the brain to release the years of trapped stored fat into the bloodstream and burn this fat as the body’s primary source of energy. Because this hCG diet plan is enhanced with energy boosting and vital Vitamin B12, patients are experiencing natural appetite suppression while losing weight rapidly without suffering between meal hunger or loss of energy. Diet Doc has utilized the latest nutrition science to create hCG diet plans that are safe and effective and continues to lead competitors in providing the best weight loss results available.

By developing prescription diet aids within their own U.S. pharmacies, Diet Doc can ensure that only the highest quality ingredients are used and patients are receiving only the best diet products available on the market. Patients will receive a one-year prescription and can order their supplements over the phone or the Internet. For added convenience, all supplements will be shipped directly to the patient’s home avoiding embarrassing or time consuming visits to weight loss clinics in New Orleans. Included in their package, patients will receive a Certificate of Analysis, performed by a third party laboratory, detailing the quality of the ingredients and levels of each active ingredient.

The professionals at Diet Doc are passionate about helping people reduce their weight to avoid certain diseases and health conditions associated with being overweight. Our mission is to help people lose weight fast, offer education on what specific foods will generate a weight loss reaction in their body in order to keep the weight off long term and to provide the most effective, safest and successful weight loss experience for each patient.

Join the thousands that are losing weight and feeling and looking better than ever before by calling today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

Diet Doc Contact Information:

San Diego, CA

Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg

hCG Diets from Diet Doc.