
How to Create Healthier, Restorative Environments at Work and Home Through the Ecochi System of Design

In a July 15 interview on “Turn the Page,” Debra, Duneier, creator of the EcoChi® system of design, will share the integrative approach through which she and her design team create restorative, healthier environments. She’ll provide suggestions on improving vitality, focus, rest, and joy both at work and at home.

Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 12:54 PM CDT

Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWire) -- 07/13/2016 --Lifestyle shifts can begin at home and in the workplace, by incorporating concepts from interior design, Feng Shui, green design, sustainability, and environmental psychology to improve the way that people feel and function. Research substantiates the role of environment on wellbeing, including the benefits of connecting with nature. The quality of a person's interior surroundings is derived from a host of different factors, including décor and the use of space. In a July 15 interview on "Turn the Page," Debra, Duneier, creator of the EcoChi® system of design, will share the integrative approach through which she and her design team create restorative, healthier environments. She'll provide suggestions on improving vitality, focus, rest, and joy both at work and at home.

Debra Duneier is a Feng Shui Master Practitioner, an accredited LEED® Green Associate, Certified Eco-Designer and NYS licensed Real Estate Broker. Ms. Duneier is the creator of the EcoChi® system of design and President of EcoChi LLC, a full service sustainable interior design company with a focus on wellness and the human experience. Her training, background and perspective have made her a resource on topics including: Feng Shui, Real Estate, Wellness and Green Design for media outlets including Martha Stewart Radio, Brokers Weekly, Social Life Magazine,, CNBC, MSNBC, CBS,,,, Better Homes and Gardens TV, and the Associated Press. Debra is the Feng Shui expert on the Reality TV show "Natural Reboot" on the Z Living Network.

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"Turn the Page" increases access to expert advice to improve quality of life around the globe, and is broadcast every Friday at 6 am Pacific Time. You can also tune in through ITunes or Stitcher.

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