
How to Pay off Your Credit Card Debt No Money Low Income People Easy Pay Debt

Credit cards are the best things ever invented, right? Perhaps not so much, because they make it so easy to get into more debt than one can handle.

Posted: Friday, August 02, 2013 at 4:20 PM CDT

Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWire) -- 08/02/2013 --Credit cards are the best things ever invented, right? Perhaps not so much, because they make it so easy to get into more debt than one can handle. That’s why, when it comes to how to pay off your credit card debt, is here to help by offering some suggestions, such as:

- Take Stock
- Contact Creditors
- Cut Out Frivolous Expenses
- Develop a Budget

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Know How Much is Owed

When one is dealing with “how to pay credit card debt,” it’s important to know exactly how much one owes and to which creditors. Jot down the amount of arrearage – and the interest rate – of every credit card in one’s possession. Tally up the debt and proceed from there. Begin paying the debts off from the lowest amount due to the highest, as every debt that’s paid off improves one’s credit score.

Talk to Creditors

Another way to address how to pay off your credit card debt is to contact one’s creditors and negotiate lower interest rates. If even one percentage point can be removed from the rate one is paying, he can save hundreds on the credit card bills. This may not be too difficult to accomplish; sometimes all it takes is a politely worded request for a lower rate. The point is that it can’t hurt to at least try to reduce the interest one is paying, so give it a shot.

Stop Spending on Extras

When contemplating “how to pay credit card debt,” it might behoove one to cut back on “extra” spending. This means no more buying lunch when it can be brought from home. It means renting a video and making home-made popcorn for movie night. It also means not purchasing those scratch tickets to the tune of $50 a month. Basically, just making some common sense reductions in one’s spending habits can save a great deal of money which can go toward paying off one’s credit card debt quickly.

Devise a Budget

Take some time and tabulate all of the household expenses such as the mortgage, utility bills, insurance, and auto loan payments. Once that’s done, figure out how it can be winnowed down a bit. This is all part of how to pay off your credit card debt. The suggestions above will certainly help get more funding for debt repayment; put some thought into other methods of debt reduction.

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