
How to Stop Foreclosure on Home: Foreclosure Stopping Guidelines

Avoiding Foreclosure is very easy now in USA. You can stop foreclosure using any of the techniques provided here!

Posted: Friday, May 24, 2013 at 9:25 AM CDT

Pittsfield, MA -- (SBWire) -- 05/24/2013 does, and is here to share its knowledge, including:- Refinancing the Mortgage,cessing HAMP,HUD Options,Foreclosure Scams.

Mortgage Refinance

One giant step to foreclosure stopping is to look into refinancing one’s mortgage. Always begin the search for refinancing with one’s original lender. If an individual’s payment history has been excellent until an unexpected financial hardship developed, it’s very likely that a refinance will be approved. If that mortgage writer does not approve the request for refinance, look to other nearby or online lenders or apply for HARP, which is a government-sponsored program designed for homeowners whose mortgages are owned or serviced by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.

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Check Out HAMP

The federal government wishes to help its homeowners remain in their houses by offering the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), which is not exactly a new stop foreclosure loan, but is a modification of one’s current mortgage. Modification of a mortgage loan means that changes are made to it so it’s easier for the homeowner to afford his payments. The changes may be a reduction in the principal or a lowering of the interest rate; whatever it is will decrease the payment. Apply for HAMP with any participating lender.

Looking into HUD Help

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has several options for those asking themselves "how do I Stop My Foreclosure?" One of them is to provide foreclosure counseling, which can help people going through the process do so properly and with dignity. As part of the Making Home Affordable initiative, one’s mortgage may be subject to the Principal Reduction Alternative (PRA), for which the government encourages lenders to lower the total amount of a mortgage’s principal to make it affordable.

Avoid Foreclosure Scams

It’s an unfortunate fact that there are nefarious people out there who will take advantage of someone in need of assistance, and this includes con artists who prey on struggling homeowners. Be careful, while investigating how to stop foreclosure on your home, to avoid becoming a victim of a foreclosure scam. One such swindle occurs when someone professes to be connected to a government-backed modification program, but they are not. They con artist may require high fees in order to gain government help. Know that there are never any fees for government help and don’t fall for this trick. Keep an eye out for people who pressure one to sign papers immediately, too.

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