
HyGreen Announces Its New CleanAware Managed Service Model

Combining analytics, equipment and service into an all-inclusive monthly fee to help your facility increase hand hygiene and improve patient safety.

Posted: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at 9:11 AM CDT

Gainesville, FL -- (SBWire) -- 10/31/2012 --Hand hygiene is a vital component in the fight against healthcare associated infections (HAIs). Ensuring that healthcare workers perform hand hygiene before patient contact decreases HAIs, improves patient safety, and saves hospitals money from non-reimbursable HAIs. HyGreen’s CleanAware™ Managed Service Model combines analytics, equipment, and service to give hospitals the tools they need to eliminate hand hygiene issues in an all inclusive monthly fee. CleanAware has no capital acquisition costs and the agreements can be for terms as short as 9 months.

Included in HyGreen’s CleanAware Program:

1) State of the art hand hygiene technology - The HyGreen Hand Hygiene Recording and Reminding System is the first and most comprehensive tool to definitively monitor adherence to hand hygiene protocols. The HyGreen system will:

- Remind healthcare workers to wash before patient contact
- Record all individual HCW hand hygiene events for accurate reporting
- Report healthcare worker wash-in and wash-out of a patient room
- Create bed zones so compliance can be tracked to specific beds in a multi-bedded room
- Use your existing soap / sanitizer dispensers

2) Hand hygiene analytics - HyGreen provides hospital administration the analytics it needs to help change hand hygiene behaviors. All hand hygiene events are recorded in real-time and can be accessed through HyGreen’s data system. A HyGreen Clinical Specialist will also analyze the data collected and review it with infection control in an online monthly meeting.

3) A comprehensive service agreement - The HyGreen CleanAware program offers superior service including upgrades, diagnostics, online case management and phone support. Preventative maintenance is also included. A technician will come to you facility every 75 days to evaluate the equipment and change batteries.

4) No capital expense required – All HyGreen equipment and service are provided in an all-inclusive monthly fee. This managed service model has minimal start-up costs and helps you avoid additional “people costs”.

For more information on HyGreen and the CleanAware program, contact Kevin Quilty, Executive Vice President, at

About HyGreen, Inc.
HyGreen, Inc. is an innovative technology company whose mission is to improve lives by safeguarding health through technology. Its HyGreen Hand Hygiene product provides hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, doctor's offices, restaurants and educational institutions with the tools to measure hand hygiene, improve hand hygiene behaviors, increase facility quality and decrease infection control costs.
