Gillingham, Dorset -- (SBWire) -- 12/17/2015 --Recent research suggests that cleaning equipment we commonly buy for our homes (from the supermarket for example) is not necessarily as effective as we may first think. In a study carried out by academics from Cardiff University and published in the American Journal of infection control, antibacterial wipes are a particularly guilty culprit – not as hygienic as we may assume. After extensive testing of a number of wipes, it was typicallyfound that one wipe was only suitable for a very small area (about a metre square) and when used over large areas could actually spread bacteria rather than kill them.
The results highlight that shop-bought cleaning materials may not be the most efficient. It also emphasizesthat we may need to be more generous when cleaning our homes and use larger amounts of product for a hygienic effect, even though an 'appearance' of cleanliness can be achieved with one wipe. The implications cold be that many people are actually living with high levels of bacteria on their surfaces and in their homes because they assume they have cleaned properly.
Domco is an expert in the field of home maintenance and cleaning, quick to comment on the issue:
"Ultimately, the research shows the limited efficiency of shop-bought cleaning products. It's easy to assume that an antibacterial wipe will do the ultimate job; kill germs and keep your surface sparkling – but it appears that it certainly takes more than one! In fact, it might take extensive wipes to actually make your kitchen hygienic. That is why a professional cleaning service can actually be more cost-effective and long term; and here at Domco we provide deep cleansefar superior to a quick wipe."
About Domco
Domco is a home and garden maintenance provider offering a number of services. These include cleaning, gardening and decorating.
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