
Jason Rosete Film Launches Kid Friendly Halloween Scare Film on YouTube in Time for the Weekend

Jason Rosete Film has created a brand new, kid-friendly horror film and released it online so kids and parents can watch it together for free and set the tone for the scary holiday.

Posted: Monday, November 03, 2014 at 3:34 PM CST

Mission Viejo, CA -- (SBWire) -- 11/03/2014 --Horror films always have their peak around Halloween, when the supernatural and the living dead come to captivate people’s imaginations as the nights get darker and the air gets colder. Finding horror films that will scare children without being legitimately terrifying is difficult however, and parents who want to give their kids a scare without scars have to look long and hard. Jason Rosete Film has created a new Funny Scary Movie for Halloween Night that is sure to keep the kids entertained and help the holiday maintain its terrifying form.

The film takes cues from children’s classics like R L Stine as well as cult horror like The Ring, but reinterprets the genre to balance the sense of fear and comedy, making the scares a build to comedic relief that will take children’s imagination on a thrill ride with a happy ending, while parents will appreciate the many references threaded into the film in the style of Edgar Wright.

The film was released yesterday on YouTube and has now accrued over twenty seven thousand views, and is one of a series of similar videos made by Jason Rosete Film every year for Halloween, so parents can keep their children entertained for ages.

A spokesperson for Jason Rosete Film explained, “We love the horror genre almost as much as we love comedy, so combining the two for us is a constant delight. In our latest film, we’ve aimed to take horror classics and reinvent them with a comic finale that ties in modern technology to tell a tale as old as time in a fresh way, with a new spin. We’d like to thank all our actors and production crew for being so committed and helping us create a really funny finished product, which we hope our viewers will enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed making.”

About Jason Rosete Film
Jason Rosete Film are the creators of Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies (Fan Film), Zombies vs Mayo, and other awesome scary movies, ghost stories, horror comedies, and video game related videos. Their latest release is a funny scary movie for Halloween. Their site has a comprehensive catalog of the films created, freely available to view.

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