Delray Beach, FL -- (SBWire) -- 01/20/2021 --The COVID-19 vaccine is moving slowly through Florida. But a leading medical malpractice law firm in Florida warns that healthcare organizations face plenty of coronavirus challenges ahead.
The law firm points to two examples.
In Salt Lake City, a pharmacy faces legal scrutiny after attempting to sell COVID treatments manufactured by an unregistered entity.
"We anticipate that healthcare organizations will face similar litigation from customers that demand the vaccine," Autumn Piccolo from Florida Healthcare Law Firm says. "If an organization cuts corners to meet demand, legal action will quickly follow."
The United States Department of Labor continues to offer guidance for laboratory workers and employees. The group notes, for example, that technicians need added protection if they are collecting or handling specimens from patients with COVID-19 symptoms.
Pharmacy law concerns will continue despite the vaccine.
"Even after many people are vaccinated, testing will help local organizations understand local transmission," the Florida Healthcare Law Firm Autumn Piccolo says. "And some labs may need help ensuring that all of their employees have been vaccinated. These two issues require ongoing attention."
Medical malpractice law challenges might also appear. COVID-19 symptom treatments are often changing, and doctors who don't keep up could get sued by unhappy families. For example, a patient not treated in the prone position could, in theory, face difficulties as a result.
Preventing medical malpractice law concerns is always best. But when these cases appear, medical organizations will need a swift and comprehensive approach. That's typically delivered by a competent lawyer.
It's unclear how long the coronavirus will stay within the United States. Florida may emerge from restrictions sooner or later than neighbors. But as these examples make clear, organizations should keep the law and protection in mind as they plan for 2021 and 2022.
About Florida Healthcare Law Firm
Located in Delray Beach, Florida Healthcare Law Firm puts healthcare organizations in touch with a suite of experts who know the ins and outs of business healthcare law. Services include regulatory compliance assessments, pharmacy law, dental law, payor issues, and more.
Lab Compliance and Pharmacy Law Remain a Challenge in COVID-Impacted Florida
How to overcome the challenges Covid presents.