
Living Water: Stunning Picture Book Flows Across Continent as Start-Up Tool for Children's Environmental Awareness.

Written by Jean Ranola-Collier and illustrated by Deborah Strong, ‘Living Water’ uniquely fuses prose, poetry and compelling imagery to help young readers recognize the importance of clean water. Engaging children with its vivid imagery and heartfelt words, the book is poised to inspire thousands to preserve the world’s water supplies for future generations to enjoy.

Posted: Monday, September 09, 2013 at 3:00 PM CDT

Coquitlam, BC -- (SBWire) -- 09/09/2013 --While children from coast to coast turn on their taps daily without a second thought, Canada’s Jean Ranola-Collier is on a mission to prove that this luxury shouldn’t be taken for granted. In her thought-provoking new book, Jean Ranola-Collier fuses stunning imagery with poetry and prose in a unique plea about the importance of clean water.

‘Living Water’ is more than just a picture book; it’s a bold reminder about that taps may not flow clear forever.


Water is a part of us. Both life-giving and life sustaining, it ensures the continuation of our planet, and the life of all creatures on Earth. In this visually stunning book, Jean Ranola takes us on a journey within.

Written as part love-letter to the water which cleanses us, and part poetic plea about the absolute importance of clean water for future generations, she speaks to our role as individuals in ensuring that our water is preserved. Read this to your children as a tool toward environmental awareness.

Through pictures and stories, our children will gain the deep understanding needed to change our future.

As the author explains, adults have a duty to educate, inform and inspire those who are in charge of tomorrow’s world.

“We all know that children are the hope and future of the Earth and environmental awareness is one of their human rights – right to know and right to participate,” says Jean Ranola-Collier, who was born and raised in the Philippines.

Continuing, “Their knowledge and participations are strongly important and will create positive impact in justifying the importance of clean water and preserving our environment for present and future generations, not just in developing countries, but for the whole world.”

Critics praise the author for her diligent efforts to introduce children to the importance of environmental awareness. However, as Jean Ranola-Collier admits, it’s a passion.

“I’m deeply driven to spreading the importance of environmental awareness. I was brought up by a Mother with a huge heart who made us see the world differently. She inspires my writing every day and is a constant reminder of why I am out there trying to make a difference,” she adds.

With the book’s popularity set to rapidly increase, interested readers are urged to purchase their copies as soon as possible. ‘Living Water’ is available at,,, and for order at over 25,000 booksellers worldwide.

‘Living Water’, published by Friesen Press, is available now in Paperback and eBook formats:

For more information, visit the author’s official website:

About Jean Ranola
Jean Ranola was born and raised in the Philippines and moved to Canada in 2007. In that same year she began to write poetry, and soon blended her writing with her passion for spreading environmental awareness. The youngest of ten children, she was brought up by her mother-a woman with a huge heart who continues to inspire Jean’s writing today.

About Deborah Strong
Deborah Strong is a British Columbia artist whose depictions of animals and birds have won recognition in regional and national exhibitions. She views herself as a citizen of the Earth and is committed to the conservation and preservation of its wild spaces and precious resources. Her illustrations for Living Water were painted with dye on silk.