
Manhattan New York Based Professional Networker Concepcion Guzman with 'Vocxy' Consultation 'EMR' and Tampa Florida Visited Harrisburg Pennsylvania to Promote His New Certified Xocai Healthy Chocolate Technology for Energy

Posted: Thursday, June 06, 2013 at 9:09 AM CDT

Harrisburg, PA -- (SBWire) -- 06/06/2013 --With the growing number of EMR implementations, specialists in EMR software are in high demand. As an EMR healthcare IT specialist, you’ll contribute to the advancement of healthcare technology at hospitals and clinics across the country.  AS AN EMR SPECIALIST YOU WILL RECEIVE:  Increased compensation opportunity, Flexible opportunities with job security, Immediate job placement, No 24 month employment agreement required.  THIS PROGRAM IS PERFECT FOR:  LPNs, RNs, Nurse Practitioners, and Clinical Staff, Physicians/Residents, Experienced and Credentialed EMR Specialists, Previously Certified EMR Implementation Specialists, Medical Professionals Who Want to Earn Additional Certifications.

For More Information Contact:
Concepcion Guzman
Skype: conce777

Manhattan New York Based Professional Networker Concepcion Guzman with 'Vocxy' Consultation 'EMR' and Tampa Florida visited Harrisburg Pennsylvania to Promote his New Certified Xocai Healthy Chocolate Technology for Energy

There are many natural functional foods in virtually every food group. As we all know, chocolate itself is a functional food if it contains sufficient antioxidants and flavonoids. However, it is now possible for manufacturers to create functional foods by fortifying and enhancing their products to give them added health benefits never before possible. A new growing segment of functional food is called "probiotics." Probiotic means "fit for life," or "pro-life." Probiotics are living microorganisms which when administered effectively in adequate amounts confer health benefits. The adult intestinal tract is home to approximately 100 trillion microorganisms. More than 400 different bacterial species have already been identified in the intestinal tract.

First, in order to be effective Probiotics must contain bacteria which are resistant to stomach acids and bile salts. Secondly, the bacteria must have the capacity to compete successfully with the indigenous intestinal bacteria. So, either the bacteria must be protected by the use of encapsulation techniques, or new types of foods must be developed which offer increased protection for the bacteria. The key to the effectiveness of probiotic treatment is for the bacteria to be able to pass through the stomach and the small intestines reaching the large intestines with sufficient strength to colonize and flourish.

SHIME stands for "The Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem." This in vitro system was created to simulate the activities and conditions found in the stomach, small intestines, and large intestines. This enables scientists to monitor the quantity of bacteria that survive the journey to the large intestines. And, it also enables them to monitor the development of the bacterial colonies in the large intestines.

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, 95 million Americans suffer from digestive problems. Some 60 million have heartburn, 50 million have irritable bowel syndrome, and 20 million suffer from stomach ulcers. Many, many new probiotic products have been launched in North America and Europe. But, we have a distinct advantage. Chocolate appears to be the ideal delivery system for probiotics.

The Xoçai® XoBiotic™ chocolate will be in the form of an 11-gram square and will deliver 1 billion microorganisms of two types - Lactobacillus Helveticus R0052 and Bifido Bacterium Longum R0175. These probiotics have been selected for our probiotic chocolate because of their stability in chocolate and their guaranteed shelf life equal to the shelf life of the chocolate itself, if properly stored as recommended for all Xoçai® products (40*F - 75*F). By marrying the health benefits of dark chocolate with those of these two probiotic cultures, which have a positive influence on immune and gut health, we gain new opportunities.,,,

What is so special about cacao? This small bean possesses some impressive health-promoting properties that are increasingly supported by science. Most notable is its antioxidant content. Cacao contains potent compounds such as flavonols, polyphenols and procyanidins that exert unique properties. Cacao is also rich in several B vitamins, minerals such as copper, magnesium and zinc, amino acids and mood-boosting chemicals like phenylethylamine (PEA) and theobromine. (

This nutritional firepower translates to numerous health benefits. In fact, science now tells us that cacao and dark, healthy chocolate can support the health of most of the body’s major systems.

The astounding ORACfn scores for Xoçai’s various products come from Brunswick Labs, an independent, third-party analytical laboratory that provides analytical services for some of the finest research institutions, corporations, and public organizations. Xoçaí is enrolled in Brunswick Lab’s certified program, an authoritative quality-assurance system that issues certification to products that have met strict criteria for their most popular ORACfn tests. The program is designed to help consumers cut through the confusion surrounding ORACfn scores and antioxidant values, as well as to discern which products make questionable claims regarding their antioxidant values. (

When paper-based records are required in multiple locations, copying, faxing, and transporting costs are significant compared to duplication and transfer of digital records. Because of these many "after-entry" benefits, federal and state governments, insurance companies and other large medical institutions are heavily promoting the adoption of electronic medical records. The US Congress included a formula of both incentives (up to $44,000 per physician under Medicare or up to $65,000 over six years, under Medicaid) and penalties (i.e. decreased Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements for covered patients to doctors who fail to use EMRs by 2015) for EMR/EHR adoption versus continued use of paper records as part of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, enacted as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.  One study estimates electronic medical records improve overall efficiency by 6% per year, and the monthly cost of an EMR may (depending on the cost of the EMR) be offset by the cost of only a few "unnecessary" tests or admissions.  Jerome Groopman disputed these results, publicly asking "how such dramatic claims of cost-saving and quality improvement could be true".

An electronic medical record (EMR) is a computerized medical record created in an organization that delivers care, such as a hospital or physician's office.  Electronic medical records tend to be a part of a local stand-alone health information system that allows storage, retrieval and modification of records.  Paper-based records are still by far the most common method of recording patient information for most hospitals and practices in the U.S. The majority of doctors still find their ease of data entry and low cost hard to part with. However, as easy as they are for the doctor to record medical data at the point of care, they require a significant amount of storage space compared to digital records. In the United States, most states require physical records be held for a minimum of seven years. The costs of storage media, such as paper and film, per unit of information differ dramatically from that of electronic storage media. When paper records are stored in different locations, collating them to a single location for review by a health care provider is time consuming and complicated, whereas the process can be simplified with electronic records. This is particularly true in the case of person-centered records, which are impractical to maintain if not electronic (thus difficult to centralize or federate).

However, the increased portability and accessibility of electronic medical records may also increase the ease with which they can be accessed and stolen by unauthorized persons or unscrupulous users versus paper medical records, as acknowledged by the increased security requirements for electronic medical records included in the Health Information and Accessibility Act and by large-scale breaches in confidential records reported by EMR users. Concerns about security contribute to the resistance shown to their widespread adoption.  In contrast, EMRs can be continuously updated (within certain legal limitations).  The ability to exchange records between different EMR systems would facilitate the co-ordination of health care delivery in non-affiliated health care facilities. In addition, data from an electronic system can be used anonymously for statistical reporting in matters such as quality improvement, resource management and public health communicable disease surveillance.  In the United States, the CDC reported that the EMR adoption rate had steadily risen to 48.3 percent at the end of 2009.  This is an increase over 2008, when only 38.4% of office-based physicians reported using fully or partially electronic medical record systems (EMR) in 2008.  However, the same study found that only 20.4% of all physicians reported using a system described as minimally functional and including the following features: orders for prescriptions, orders for tests, viewing laboratory or imaging results, and clinical progress notes. As of 2012,72 percent of office physicians are using basic electronic medical records.

About MXI Corp
Established in 2005, Marketing Xocolate International Corporation (MXI-Corp) is the world leader in great tasting, healthy, dark, chocolate products.  MXI Corp was founded upon the same solid foundation that the Brooks’ family used to build their enormous Pure Delite Low Carb Chocolate company (circa 2000) which had retail sales in Wal-Mart, 7-Eleven, Rite-Aid and Walgreen’s of over $300,000,000.  All MXI products are focused on potent doses of delicious, antioxidant-rich Belgian cacao.  MXI-Corp believes that the high levels of natural antioxidants and Polyphenols that are found in its cacao can provide a viable solution to individual nutritional needs.  The Xoçai™ (sho-sigh) line, which currently includes nine products, is manufactured utilizing a cold-press process, which preserves the nutritional values of the company's proprietary blends of vitamins and minerals.  MXI is recognized as the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate.  The vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its unique chocolate products.  One unique element of the company’s formulations is their proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí and blueberries, called XoVita™.  The Xovita ingredient combination is exclusive to Xoçai.  Nevada-based MXI-Corp is a privately held company.  Xoçai's nine chocolate products have the highest ORAC (antioxidant-measuring test) and flavonoid rich products available on the market.  The Brooks family, owners and operators of MXI-Corp, have total combined chocolate sales of more than $1 billion.  MXI Corp is now operating internationally in 41 countries.