
Media Freeware Creates Free and Easy to Use RAR to ZIP Converter

Media Freeware has created a solution to the problem of incompatible compression software WinRAR and WinZIP by creating a free RAR to ZIP converter.

Posted: Friday, September 20, 2013 at 2:23 PM CDT

New York, NY -- (SBWire) -- 09/20/2013 --WinRAR and WinZIP are both compression software that allows individuals to shrink the size of programs or files before sending them online. The problem many users face is that neither file type is compatible with the other, and this creates problems for people with only one of the applications. Usually, WinZIP is installed by default on Windows PC’s, where WinRAR is a download that requires payment to use all the features. To solve the issue, Media Freeware has created a RAR to ZIP converter that will allow users to open RAR files using WinZIP, a program all windows users have installed.

The software is free to download and use and can be accessed directly from the Media Freeware site, with an unlimited license so users can share it with their friends and family and convert and unlimited number of files using the full feature set without paying for any premium editions.

The software is streamlined and economical both in size and speed, and won’t slow down the processor while it converts files, which will vary in conversion time dependent on their size, but has already tested faster than most bought software for the same purpose.

A spokesperson for Media Freeware explained, “It used to be that users could download WinRAR and use it for free without ever paying for the premium edition. In later versions that changed so that users could only have a thirty day free trial, meaning they were effectively stranded with RAR files they could no longer convert. As soon as this problem was identified, we set about creating this free converter so that users could convert RAR to ZIP to access their files again and not have to worry about paying for a premium service to use a feature set that we can provide to them for free.”

About Media Freeware
Media Freeware develops free software that solves common problems. Their free RAR to ZIP converter is a useful piece of software to convert compressed file types. The software will convert RAR to ZIP files so that the user will be able to unpack the compressed file and read the data that is within. For more information, please visit: