Belfast, UK -- (SBWire) -- 07/21/2014 --It has been announced today that Belfast property solicitor MKB Law will be acting on behalf of developers at Belfast college’s Square East Building who are building the first ever student accommodation there. This will be the first time students have had the opportunity to stay so close to the main college, and so it is a move welcomed by all.
Welsh construction specialists Watkin Jones & Sons are running the project, and have been ever since Belfast college sold the building. With more than nine generations of experience, the company focuses efforts on creating the best accommodation for students all over the country. Not only will this job provide much needed beds for those on degree courses, but it should yield a significant profit for all involved.
Valued at sixteen million pounds, the project should provide rooms for over four hundred people when completed. While there aren’t any major issues so far, MKB Law have been called in to help speed up the planning permission process. Once everything is in place Watkin Jones hopes to employ local tradespeople to carry out the work which should see completion in 2016.
The company has successfully built over 25,000 student bedrooms across the UK so far, and that figure should serve to highlight their expertise. Everyone involved is hoping that the student accommodation will help to make lives easier and boost the local economy. More students mean more spending, so all retail and leisure outlets in the vicinity could see a substantial rise in sales if everything goes according to plan.
Will the building get completed on time? If MKB Law have anything to do with it, the answer is yes. You only have to look online to read through testimonials and reviews of their past work. Rarely does a property law firm get so much respect from so many people. While other similar companies may have shied away from such a mammoth task, this company take it in their stride.
Anyone wishing to find out more information about MKB Law’s involvement in this project can do so by contacting them directly. You can use the link at the top of this page to visit their website, or utilise the information below. No job is too big, and no job is too small. With some of the most experienced property solicitors in the country, this law firm always delivers the results their clients expect.
For media information contact:
14-18 Great Victoria Street
028 9024 2450
MKB Law Firm Acts on Behalf of Developers in Belfast's College Square East Building Plans