Overland Parks, KS -- (SBWire) -- 09/19/2013 --It started back in 2008 when Kerrie McLoughlin realized she had too many ideas for parenting and family articles running around in her head. Kerrie says, “I kept reading parenting magazine articles and saying, ‘I could have written that.’ I had so much advice to give, and in a humorous way, that I really wanted to share it!”
Without an internet connection at home and four kids in her daily care, she set out on treks to the local library and to friend’s houses to collect information from regional parenting magazines. Soon she had compiled a list of over 150 magazines, complete with editor names, email addresses, submission guidelines and pay information. She started submitting articles she had written and was soon getting published and paid.
After a few months she was told that someone was already selling a resource that only included magazine names and email addresses, with a little how-to sprinkled in, for the astronomical price of $80. She knew she could make a better product for less money. So in 2009, in her spare time (meaning, while her kids slept and she woke up super early) she set out to compile the first edition of the ebook Get Published in Regional Parenting Magazines while pregnant with her 5th child.
Many hours of work came to fruition in July of 2009 when the first edition of Get Published in Regional Parenting Magazines hit the ebook market and got rave reviews from buyers. Over the years she perfected the ebook, including not just regional markets such as San Diego Family, BC Parent, Orlando Family and more, but also adding national markets such as FamilyFun, BabyTalk, Parents, Parenting, Homeschooling Today and many more. The 5th edition includes 25 important market updates and boasts 239 total markets that writers could be getting published in and, more importantly, paid for their work.
Kerrie McLoughlin, mom of 5 from Overland Park, Kansas, loves to write so much she even sticks pencils in her hair to hold it in a librarian-style bun!
Now called Make Money to Write About Your Kids and in the 5th edition, Kerrie’s incredible reference ebook is available in Kindle format for only $9.99. Considering the first paycheck from just a single sale to a regional parenting magazine is roughly $35 and from a national magazine starts at $500, Kerrie believes her price is a steal!
Kerrie has been published in roughly 130 regional parenting magazines in print and online since publishing her incredible resource, all while maintaining a home, a marriage and homeschooling her now-five kids. Kerrie says, “I love being able to be at home with my kids while also living my dream of writing and making money for my family. I can get my work done mostly while the kids sleep and then head out to the pool or to the zoo with them! I want other mom and dad writers to be able to realize their dreams, as well.”
Kerrie is no one-trick pony, though. She also writes at Bubblews, Debt-Gone and at several blogs, including The Kerrie Show and Homeschooling Mommybot. She is a top-rated proofreader and book editor at Fiverr.com, as well. If you want to learn more about ways she makes money from home, head to her blog called Make Money From Home, which includes new writer’s guidelines, markets and opportunities as she finds them. If you sign up for an email subscription on her website you can get the latest updates on her fun, work-at-home lifestyle.
For further details and information on this topic or to schedule an interview, please contact Kerrie McLoughlin directly at mommykerrie@yahoo.com.
Contact: Kerrie McLoughlin
Tel: 913-488-4780
Email: mommykerrie@yahoo.com
Mom of Five Teaches How to Get Paid to Write from Home
Busy homeschooling mom finds time to hunt down writing markets so others don’t have to