
Free Wordpress Plugin for the Brand New Google News Keywords Meta Tag

Download this free WP Plugin that will insert the new "News_Keywords" meta data into your site.

Posted: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 10:15 AM CDT

Fredericksburg, VA -- (SBWire) -- 09/25/2012 --I feel like a huge weight (restriction really) has been lifted off of my shoulders here at TopoftheBurg! We are a website design and SEO Services company that publish numerous articles on a variety of topics. Some specific to TopoftheBurg, others, not so much. In either case, it was always frustrating when writing headlines and article content, while at the same time trying to stay within the confines of keyword descriptions. Thank you Google!

Now it appears as though we publishers will be able to entitle our articles, no matter the news story, with a sense of engagement and descriptive freedom. What a great amendment for news publishers, readers, and googlers alike. After all, this is the twenty-first century!

To help you even further, TopoftheBurg has launched a free Wordpress Plugin that can be downloaded and installed into the Wordpress site. The plugin will add Google’s new “News_Keywords” meta tag into your post/pages. Please visit to view the file for free.