
Official HCG Diet Plan Now Available as Droplets for Effective Weight Loss

Whoever said that dieters need to inject themselves in order to enjoy the full benefits of the official HCG diet?

Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 1:59 PM CDT

Cabo San Lucas, Baja -- (SBWire) -- 10/18/2012 --Whoever said that dieters need to inject themselves in order to enjoy the full benefits of the official HCG diet? Droplets can be just a effective and with the new improved system dieters can as much as 1 pound of body fat daily.

The Official HCG Diet is invented by Dr. Simeons back in the 50ties and does not only contain Human Chorionic Gonadotropin but also comes with a complete 500 and 1000 calorie diet with a lot of alternatives so the dieter can become successful in their weight loss efforts.

Usually when dieters start on a diet there are a couple of pitfalls, first of all the human bodily are really not designed to be on a diet so the brain will release the hunger hormone Ghrelin that will make the dieter increase the calorie intake and the diet will become a failure. Another pitfall being on a regular diet is the metabolism that will be slowed down in such a way that it is almost impossible not to gain the weight back on again after the diet.

With the Official HCG Diet the dieter can avoid those pitfalls simply because the person being on the diet gets plenty of calories in form of the body fat stored on the body instead of from food, so no release of Ghrelin will happen and it will be lot easier for the metabolism to stay elevated after the diet.

The Official HCG diet Plan now comes with droplets which is much easier to administrate since the dieter do not need to inject themselves on a daily basis. The droplets are just being put right under the tongue and the effects will start immediately. Injections are still a little bit more effective since the only bypass the liver once, but the dieter will hardly notice the difference and will be able to lose up to 1 pound of body fat on a daily basis.

“I couldn’t believe how easy it suddenly was to be on a diet. I did not feel any hunger at all thanks to the Official HCG Diet. After 2 weeks I already lost 16 pounds. – Carrie Saunderson New York”

The Official HCG Diet is available in the United States and is complete package of the Official HCG Droplets, diets and support for that dieters that need a little extra counseling during their diet.

Dieters who are interested in getting starter with the Official HCG Diet can find more information at

Martin Christensen
Official HCG Diet
Cabo San Lucas Mexico
Phone +52 624 10 50 675