Lexington, MA -- (SBWire) -- 02/18/2015 --Claudine Bianchi, CMO of ownCloud Inc, an on-premise Enterprise File Sync and Share company, acknowledges that more and more of our nation's merchants are falling victim to data breaches due to the lack of national data security laws for retailers today. ownCloud offers Enterprises a software solution that allows users to have more secure control of their data, including keeping customers' personal and financial information private, by downloading straight to their own servers.
"While cloud computing offers many benefits, the recent breaches highlight the cloud's lack of security – especially when sharing confidential files or information," according to Bianchi. "There will always be a need to keep certain files safely behind the corporate firewall."
B. Dan Berger, writer for The Hill, has previously written about the importance of data security standards in keeping customers' personal and financial information safe, but he has also noted that cybersecurity and data security are complicated issues that need to be addressed with government action.
Berger stated, "We hope Obama's [national address] speech helps create the impetus for action. We must break the legislative logjam and establish data security standards for retailers to help make Americans' data security safer now."
"One of the most difficult problems enterprises face today is ensuring that secure file sharing exists between internal and external parties. In today's ever increasing mobile environment, it is becoming paramount that there are governance, visibility, and IT controls in place," said Bianchi. "When IT does have visibility and control, it greatly reduces the risk."
ownCloud has a number of accounts in the financial sector, as it offers the privacy and security desired by enterprises with such confidential information. ownCloud gives enterprises total control over their information allowing them to keep it out of the wrong hands.
Jefferson National Bank's Network/Security Administrator, Doug Burns, has stated that, "with ownCloud I don't have to blindly trust a nebulous entity. I control how files are shared and ownCloud helps me every step of the way."
To learn more about how ownCloud can help keep your customers' personal and financial information secure with its enterprise file sync and share solutions please visit http://www.owncloud.com
About ownCloud, Inc.
Based on the popular ownCloud open source file sync and share community project, ownCloud Inc. was founded in 2011 to give corporate IT greater control of their data and files -- providing a common file access layer across an organization, enabling file access from any device, anytime, from anywhere, all completely managed and controlled by IT. Company headquarters are in Lexington, MA, with European headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany.
For more information, visit: http://www.owncloud.com
Media Contact:
Claudine Bianchi
ownCloud Inc.
57 Bedford St.
Lexington, Ma. 02420
(ph) 781-778-7577
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HTQcf1zccU
ownCloud Inc, Announces an on-Premise File Sync and Share Solution That Gives Users More Control of Their Private Data