
Phone Systems Provider Announces DIY Articles

Posted: Friday, May 16, 2014 at 9:22 AM CDT

New York, NY -- (SBWire) -- 05/16/2014 --Leading VoIP telephone provider,, announced a series of articles explaining customers how to set up their phone systems and solve most of the technical problems that may arise in the day-to-day activities related to these advanced equipment.

A representative from the company said their goal was to help in reducing maintenance costs that phone systems for small business can produce, and teach their users how to do it themselves, instead of hiring outside contractors just to fix a bug or a basic connectivity issue.

While this series of articles is not meant to be a user’s manual, TelcoDepot actually wants to explain some of the basic features included in their phone systems, and how to use them properly; instead of just listing applications on their site, the experts at TelcoDepot are trying to help their online community.

The DIY articles are planned to be released on their official site so customers can go back and read each one of them anytime they find an issue with their phone systems or even if they just need a quick and easy way to understand one of their newest features.

The focus on their blog has always been helping customers take the best decision when it comes to finding the right phone system for their businesses, and in this case they decided to take it one step further, providing them with the basic tools to know what their phone systems can do for them.

For more information about this series of blog posts or any of business phones, please contact their customer service 1.800.390.1200 or send them an email at info@telcodepo (dot) com.

About Telco Depot
Telco Depot is a leading supplier of quality business telephone systems, business VoIP service, VoIP phones, phone headset equipment, video surveillance systems, voice & data cabling solutions, conference phone solutions and Microsoft Response Point Systems. The company’s top priority is to help its clients make informed decisions based on their specific small business phone system needs by providing experience and expertise and guiding them in selecting the best phone systems for their businesses. Telco Depot ensures that their phone systems are fully scalable, affordable priced, and provide the highest value for their clients.