Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWire) -- 11/07/2013 --Most Americans can agree that the healthcare system is decidedly broken. While the answers to fixing the system are unclear, there’s one universal factor that we can change that will help each of us live better: encouraging movement, fitness, and exercise among friends, family, and the community.
From an evolutionary stand-point, humans were collectively designed to be athletic. From hunter/gatherer beginnings, to the development of farming techniques, until recent technological advances changed our lifestyles we were all athletic.
Physical inactivity is not conducive to human biological and pathological make-up. The body requires physical activity to grow and function at maximum capacity, and inactivity has led to the rise of preventable diseases and general malaise throughout our society.
Daniel Lieberman of Harvard University has called for mandated physical activity programs for children, and calls for employers to encourage their staff to become more active by allowing for time-off to exercise or scheduling physical activity social functions. He even suggests businesses and insurance providers providing financial incentives to encourage others to be fit and healthy. He also says communities can work to promote their parks and recreational programs, encourage non-motorized transportation by making biking or walking paths safer.
To many this may seem like an unnecessary expense when there are so many other things businesses, insurance, cities and schools need to pay for. But Lieberman asks, with the rise of health care costs and preventable diseases, can the businesses afford not to encourage activity if it prevents these issues? Physical activity not only provides health benefits, but it has also been shown to increase worker productivity and cognitive function in students.
For the economical and physical health of our country, Lieberman says that the consequences of inaction on the physical activity front cannot be ignored.
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Adam Heimann
Director of Marketing / Media & PR
Promoting Activity to Repair Health Care