Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWire) -- 12/01/2015 --Are your Neanderthal Caveman genes creating a genetic obstacle for you to achieve what you would like to achieve in your life now? Is your mind running on automatic pilot, looping negative and useless genetic programs that are holding you hostage and prisoner to your limiting beliefs?
You use your mind 24/7. In actuality your mind also uses you without you even being aware of it. Your mind has been prehistorically programmed since the Neanderthal Caveman days and it's been controlling your behavior everyday. Prehistoric adaptive thinking motivates you for lack, aggression, competition, conflict, prejudice, stress, mistaken perceptions, fear, worry, despair, depression, etc. The prehistoric mind can affect your health and well being negatively along with blocking the possibility of joy, happiness, justice and world peace.
Research has shown that humans carry 20 percent Neanderthal genes. DNA is passed on from generation to generation, segments are decoded and recoded, so that genetic material inherited from any one individual becomes distributed with that of other ancestors.
The new science of epigenetics proves that genes are not necessarily destiny. These exciting new discoveries are already being used by medical organizations."
Learn how to stop being trapped by those genes or those behaviors!
James D. Baird, PhD is a renaissance man with 40 years of experience as a successful inventor, graduate engineer who pioneered a new science of "ultrasonics" which earned him several patents. He founded Dynasonics, Inc., a design and manufacturing company of ultrasonic sensors and computers. His inventory background instilled in him a persistent curiosity about how things work, translating from mechanisms to life. His passion for understanding the bioengineering that makes us human, combined with his religious and spiritual beliefs led him to research the subject of happiness for more than 20 years, and in the process, earned him a PhD in Natural Health. Dr. Baird studied genetics, common behaviors and researched behavioral epigenetics, which holds the promise of modifying behavior by changing gene expression.He is the author of six books on human behavior, "Behavioral Genes", "Happiness Genes", "Obesity Genes", "Mindful Meals Diet", "Modern Christian Happiness Plan", and "The Happiness Plan".
Come tune in and learn how to take back control of your life™.
Marina Rose is the founder and developer of QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, a revolutionary new technique for quantum growth in health, life and business. QDNA® combines the cutting edge science in Neuroplasticity, Epigenetics, DNA Reprogramming and Quantum Field Theory into a powerful new technique to assist you to achieve optimal results. Accelerate your life and business now.
Change Your DNA. Instantly Change Your Life™.
Quantum Connection™: Exploring Health, Science, and Spirit with Marina Rose, QDNA® airs live on Tuesdays at 3 PM Pacific on The VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.
QDNA Epigenetics: Are Your Neanderthal Caveman Genes a Genetic Obstacle to You Now? Dr. James D. Baird & Marina Rose, QDNA
Join Marina Rose, QDNA® and Dr. James D. Baird, PhD at 3:00pmPST on 12/1/15. Neil deGrasse Tyson says, "Let's say intelligence is your ability to compose poetry, symphonies, do art, math and science. Chimps can't do any of that, yet we share 99 percent DNA. Everything that we are, that distinguishes us from chimps, emerges from that one-percent difference."