
Power Payday Loan Releases Budget Planning Resource has released a new article on the site promoting effective budget planning when considering a short-term loan. The site encourages users to examine options and determine the best course of action before establishing a budget.

Posted: Monday, September 26, 2011 at 1:05 PM CDT

Dayton, OH -- (SBWire) -- 09/26/2011 --Short-term lending resource has introduced a new article that promotes effective budget practices in a tough economy. The article outlines the importance of tallying tax expenses to gain a better understanding of net income. Also, the article suggests allocating a specific amount or percentage of income to pay back loans.

“Economic reports continue to be very disheartening and consumers are looking for ways to maximize their income,” company spokesperson Madeline Ellis said in a recent telephone interview. “We want to empower the consumer to create an effective budget and have a good understanding of what it will take to pay back loans.”

The budgeting article is the newest addition to the site which features a growing payday loan resource section aimed at providing relevant and timely financial information. Other topics include tips to survive unemployment, consolidating loans and long-term benefits of applying for a loan.

“We encourage our visitors to consider the information we provide when applying for a new loan,” Ellis said. “Also, consumers with questions should feel free to contact us at their convenience.”