Vitebsk, Belarus -- (SBWire) -- 09/30/2011 --Stimulsoft Company announces the release of version 2011.2 of reporting tools for Flex, PHP and Java technologies.
"Every business is closely connected with reports", says Nikolai Anisimov, head of the planning department. "Everyone knows that the report is the final sweat of your heat-of your hard work over a certain period of time. Assume that it is absurd-be a leader throughout the race and surrender at the finish line. You must win and you must do it elegantly. We know how to do it, and we can help you!"
What´s new?
For extending the functionality of reports in the new version, the RequestFromUser parameter of variables has been improved. Using this option, the processing of data requests from a user can be greatly expanded. The user can specify not only simple values, but also lists of values and value ranges.
The list of supported export formats is extended. In version 2011.2 reports can be saved in Word 2007 and CSV format. The process of exporting reports is processed in the report viewer. With the options window, it is possible to install the necessary export options.
The unique utility Report Checker for inspecting reports for errors is integrated into the products. By running this tool at the end of report rendering, one can see a list of errors with their detailed description, as well as a list of proposed options to solve them (in cases where this can be done automatically).
The new version adds full support for the Cross-Tab component that allows creating very complex reports. The Cross-tab is setup with a special visual editor.
Interactivity in the report viewer is extended. Now users can re-sort the data directly in the viewer. All that is needed is to set a few properties of the component.
The new version of the report generator provides full functionality for the report globalization, using the GlobalizationStrings report property. With just one line of code, before the report rendering, it can be localized to the specified culture.
A list of new features is not limited to the above-mentioned information. Read more about the improvements at:
Pricing and licensing
Rules of licensing the products are very simple and depend on the number of developers in the company. Distribution of end-user applications with Stimulsoft reporting components as a part of them is free of charge.
Purchasing a license for one developer costs $499,95. Registered users are entitled to the Subscription Program, which allows getting free upgrades to minor and major versions, along with technical support. At the end of the Subscription, it can be extended for 33% of the total current price of the product.
About Stimulsoft Company
Stimulsoft Company is a leading supplier of components to build reports for various platforms. Based on a wealth of experience in software development, Stimulsoft helps customers create rich applications of unprecedented complexity. The company´s products help thousands of developers around the world provide their customers with robust applications.
To get more information about a product, documentation, video tutorials, and to download the demo versions of products, please visit the company website at:
Stimulsoft Reports.Fx. Convenient, Fast, Accurate