
CIO Finance Summit Announces Agenda Details for Upcoming Tech Event

The CIO Finance Summit team is pleased to announce agenda details for the upcoming technology event to be held August 29-September 1, 2010 in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Posted: Monday, August 23, 2010 at 1:20 PM CDT

Honolulu, HI -- (SBWire) -- 08/23/2010 -- The CIO Finance Summit team is pleased to announce agenda details for the upcoming technology event to be held August 29-September 1, 2010 in Scottsdale, Arizona. The CIO Finance Summit brings together CIOs and senior technology executives to discuss the latest IT topics, explore technology trends, and learn from each other’s project successes and failures.

The CIO Finance Summit agenda, held over two and one-half days, features case studies, panel discussions, analyst Q&A, networking opportunities, and keynote presentations. Titles of agenda sessions at the technology event include:

• “Market and Technology Trends and What They Mean for CIOs”
• “Future Success for CIOs Requires New Focus”
• “Security, Identity Management and Fraud: Future Proofing the Banking System & Ensuring Greater Consumer Protection”
• “20th Century Technology is No Match for 21st Century Threats”

Two highly-anticipated agenda sessions are the Monday morning Thought-leadership session, "Multi-Channel Integration: A Perspective on Emerging Channels as a Catalyst for Architectural and Technology Changes" to be delivered by an executive from Diamond Management and Technology Consultants, Inc. and the Monday evening panel discussion, “Managed Services & Outsourcing in a Challenging Climate.” The panel includes representatives from UST Global, Flagstar Bank, Bank of America, Synovus and Ovum.

“The CIO Finance Summit agenda has truly come together; the presenters are top notch, and the topics are in line with what our technology executive attendees are dealing with on a daily basis. It is my hope that the formal agenda sessions will inspire our attendees to continue the conversation during the networking opportunities, golf outings, luncheons and gala dinners,” said Mark Southam, Event Director, CIO Finance Summit.

For more information about the CIO Finance Summit, please visit the event website, or contact Mark Southam, Event Director, CIO Finance Summit, at or 808-694-3654.

About the CIO Finance Summit
CDM Media brings together CIOs and technology executives from North America’s Fortune 1000 organizations to develop business ideas and build lasting relationships with peers and colleagues. The CIO Finance Summit, to be held August 29-September 1, 2010 in Scottsdale, Arizona, allows IT executives to discuss the latest business technology issues and learn about current technology solutions. For more information, please visit