
One Café That Will Change the Way Everyone Views the World

Through One Random Act of Kindness at a Time!

Posted: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 at 12:11 PM CST

Louisville, KY -- (SBWire) -- 12/30/2014 --Jill Dodson has come up with an exciting way to bring more kindness into the world: a very unique café. Her dream has always been to open her own place where she would have the ability to bring smiles to people's faces doing her own part in trying to make the world a better place. That dream is now coming to life as a little "pay it forward" café called "Jill's Place." Dodson's goal is to create a café where random acts of kindness will happen every day, hopefully encouraging spreading of the same throughout the community and eventually causing a ripple effect that will ultimately affect the rest of the world. However, opening a café is expensive and she needs help from supporters to make this beautiful dream come true. Jill has launched an IndieGoGo campaign to help raise enough money to get the café open.

Whether it is in the morning, in the afternoon during lunch, or after a busy workday, Jill's Place will become the hotspot in Louisville, Kentucky for those who are looking for a convenient, friendly, and relaxing establishment to unwind. It will also be made available as a small weekend venue where local artists, musicians, and craft makers can showcase their work on an individual basis which will give them the help they need to get their name and talent out there.

"Every act of kindness grows the spirit and strengthens the soul; sharing kindness is always good for the soul," says owner, Jill Dodson. Jill also believes kindness starts with one person and can spread like wildfire. Jill plans to be that starter person every single day at her café. Through the café's "pay it forward" program, one random person every day will receive their drink (coffee, soda, etc.) absolutely free that day and once a week someone will receive his or her entire order for free! Along with the awesome freebies, they will get a "Random Act of Kindness" card, which suggests how the recipient can "pay it forward" to the next person. This will encourage people to help others and put them in the frame of mind to pay it forward to someone else. Each time a random act is done, the card will be passed on to the receiver causing a snowball effect. Dodson says, "I truly believe that together we can make this world a much better place, one random act of kindness at a time!"

About The Campaign
The IndieGoGo campaign has a $20,000 goal to reach and will close on January 15th, 2015. All the funds will help with start-up costs for the café. Show your support and willingness to help make the world a better place by making a contribution today. For those who might not be able to give, but love the idea, feel free to share this on social media pages. The more people who know about this the better!

To make a contribution or get more details on Jill's Place campaign, visit

For updates, please follow Jill's Place on Facebook or on her Website Blog at and/or

Jill's Place
815 W. Market Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202

Contact: Jill Dodson
Title: Owner
Phone: 502-558-5284