Distrito Federal, Mexico -- (SBWire) -- 01/02/2015 --Eco Yaab, specializing in biotechnology, has created a solution to save and produce organic vegetables to make it more affordable in markets and generate more self-employment for Mexican peasants going through a financial crisis. The solution is to install organic hydroponic greenhouses. They have launched an IndieGoGo Campaign, a crowdfunding website, to raise funding to build a greenhouse and pay for the installation.
As civilization has advanced, the use of transgenic and hybrid vegetables has increased to the point where many types are slowly disappearing and the growth of certain ones is limited. The benefits of eating organic versus non-organic makes an impact on the body's health. It helps the body digest food more easily, the large amount of nutrients assists in internal organ functions, and improve overall health of individuals. However, the cost is quite high to maintain this kind of diet. Now through Eco Yaabs new campaign, they will help bring an affordable option for organic vegetables that can also aid in improving the world's populations overall health.
The campaign needs to raise $11,000 by February 13th, 2015. Funding will go to creating an eco-friendly greenhouse that is 100% hydroponic and organic. Through this unique hydroponics system, they will be able to get organic chemicals to the plants via water. This project involves installing a small lake the size of one hectare in an undisturbed terrain in Mexico to create an eco-friendly aquaponic ecosystem. Then, a greenhouse will be built with controlled access to plant only organic products.
In the first phase, it is projected they Eco Yaab will recover at least 5 species of lettuce, tomatoes, artichokes, and eggplants. The plants grow and seeds are collected in a secure seed bank to commercialize in the future. If the project is successful, they are going to build more greenhouses around Mexico to grow more organic vegetables. Not only will this assist in providing more vegetables and offer low-cost organic options to the world, but will also boost self-employment of desperate people in Mexico who need to find work to support their families.
With the help of other passionate people who want to make a difference in the world, Eco Yaab will be able to improve the lives of many through this project. Be part of this movement to change the world for it to become a better place.
Make a contribution today by visiting the IndieGoGo campaign at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/instalacion-de-invernadero-hidroponico-organico
For updates and information about the project, follow Eco Yaab at:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MiJardinUrbano
Twitter - @EcoYaab
The official website for Eco Yaab is http://www.ecoyaab.com/
Sylvia Llano
Inventive Solution to Growing Organic Vegetables