Huntington, CA -- (SBWire) -- 02/02/2015 --Numis Wealth Management (NWM) announces that for Fiscal Year 2015 that the firm will be offering investment opportunity in its second Bitcoin mining facility. For over 2 years NWM has been operating its digital currency mine filling a demand where private investors can take part in the rapidly growing digital currency market. Many small investors have not been offered the opportunity to participate in this asset class, the mining sector has only been open to large scale venture capital. NWM is making it possible for the average investor to take advantage of mining not only as an income stream but also for the long term capital growth as the Bitcoin platform evolves. Some of the developments on the horizon for 2015 are eliminating or reducing standard costly transactional fees, such as: wire transfer, the secured transfer and recording of titles such as deeds of trust or vehicle titles, insurance policies and other electronically recorded transactions.
Numis Wealth Management CEO Jay Brown stated, "It just didn't seem fair that the small investor had little or no access to revenues thata productive mining operation can offer." Brown revealed that, "With our expansion of adding our second major facility in 2015, it enables us to offer all investors not just the large institutional ones the chance to take advantage of Bitcoin mining as an investor would when purchasing shares of a gold or silver mine."
NWM advisors educates investors in proper portfolio diversification potentially minimizing exposureand maximizing returns in this asset class. It's all about timing, balance and proper asset allocation.
Please contact a Numis Wealth Management Advisor today to examine investment options for your portfolio or visit our website at
Numis Wealth Management Announces the Opening of Its Bitcoin Mining Investment Opportunity